Filigree Freeform Facades
Design research into the possibilities of 3D concrete printed facades
Juliette Bekkering has led the research with TU Eindhoven's Department of Architecture and Engineering, Neutelings Riedijk Architects and Vertico into the possibilities of 3D concrete printing on circular double curved surfaces. The research focused primarily on exploring aesthetical and technical feasibility of double-curved facades with filigree infill. By combining designer skills with technical skills a unique visual language has been developped
Together with Neutelings Riedijk Architects, TU Eindhoven’s Department of Architecture and Engineering and the specialised 3DCprinting company Vertico, Juliette Bekkering has explored the possibilities of 3D concrete printing on double curved circular moulds. The research focused primarily on the technical feasibility of double-curved facades with filigree infill. It is a continuation of the ongoing research into 3DCP Juliette Bekkering has been doing in the past 7 years. With Cristina Nan the design proposals were translated into a series of so called 'lenses" .
Circular moulds made of sand
For a year, all parties involved investigated the architectural possibilities of 3DConcrete Printing (3DCP) on circular double-curved moulds. Central to this research was that both the architectural possibilities were explored, i.e. how the typical properties of the 3DCP technique can lead to an appealing image and a new expression in architecture, and the technique was developed to actually make it. Robots were used to make circular moulds of sand, formed into a double-curved bed on which the concrete elements were printed.
From raw material to fascinating expression
With 3DCP, unique patterns and decorations can be easily realised without labour-intensive processes and waste. We were fascinated by the possibility of printing filigree patterns, concrete-like lacework that can be used to create facades and translucent interior walls. A whole range of new architectural expressions can be created using this technique: a visual language that has been applied more often by Neutelings Riedijk Architects.
Methodology for circular construction
The research focuses on the need for circular construction, reducing the use of raw materials for concrete formwork and developing optimised strategies for pouring material to reduce the use of concrete. The research investigates the use of robotically formed sand formwork, through which it avoids the need for wooden scaffolding, plastic or foam-based formwork for pouring concrete.
The research was presented in detail during Dutch Design Week 2023 in Eindhoven.
Funding Body:
Dutch Research Council (NWO): KIEM-CE Grant
2022 — 2023Team:
Eindhoven University of Technology, faculty of the built environment — Chair of Architectural Design and Engineering ADE: Prof. Juliette Bekkering, Architect, Assist. Prof. Cristina Nan computational design and digital fabrication specialist)Neuteling Riedijk Architects: Michiel Riedijk, Founder Architect; Chaoyu Huang, Alexandra Gwardiak, Architects
Vertico — 3D Concrete Printing Specialists: Volker Ruitinga, Founder; Kees Leemeijer, Robotic Fabrication Engineer; Orestis Pavlidis, Robotic Fabrication Engineer
Researcher: Alessio Vigorito, structural engineer
Supported by
Betonhuis, Cindy Visseringread more
Making Architecture lecture by Carlijn Kingma and Wessel van Beerendonk
MAKING ARCHITECTURE is the yearly event organized by study association for urbanism and architecture AnArchi and Juliette Bekkering, head of the chair Architectural Design and Engineering at the TU Eindhoven.
Link to the livestream: www.youtube.com/@studyassociationanarchi1393/streams
This year’s Making Architecture lecture series highlights alternative ways of practicing architecture with the theme ‘The other office’. The first lecture took place on February 8th in the Trappenzaal, in Vertigo.
Speakers: Carlijn Kingma and Wessel van Beerendonk
Carlijn Kingma graduated in 2016 from Delft University of Technology at the faculty of Architecture, where she won the New Babylon Award, the award for the best architecture graduation projects at TU Delft. Her drawings reflect, admire or question the mystical and complex world around us. Her work was exhibited in Kunstmuseum Den Haag, and when she won the Architecture Drawing Prize, it was also exhibited in the Sir John Soan’s Museum in London. Currently, you can visit Rijksmuseum Twentheto see her take on the distribution of wealth in society. Her drawings metaphorically picture money as water and where it flows.
Wessel van Beerendonk is architect and co-founder of Studio RAP. Studio RAP is an award-winning architectural design and fabrication  studio. RAP’s design process uses innovative design and production techniques, developed in their studio and robotic lab. RAP thereby redefines the role of the contemporary architect. Using digital fabrication, especially robot-assisted production methods, RAP appropriates the role of digital architect. RAP’s designs are characterized by expressive unique and diverse forms that are sustainably produced or assembled using digital fabrication technology.
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Design for the European Parliament Brussels
Competition Finalist for the European Parliament Brussels.
Juliette Bekkering participated with Neutelings Riedijk Architects in the final round of the prestigious international design competition for the European Parliament in Brussels.
We designed the "House of European Democracy" as we called it, as an open, inviting and sustainable representative of the European Parliament and the European Union. In our vision the new House of European Democracy connects and welcomes the European citizens through an open and visible public heart in the center of the building. The House follows the European tradition of continuity and innovation through intelligent re-use combined with innovative renewal. One of the key points of our plan is the recycling of the existing structure of the Paul-Henri Spaak Building, thus meeting the ambitions to realize a super sustainable building.
The House will stimulate the evolution of the European democracy through a participating design composed as a European city: internal diversity and changeability of spaces facilitate different ways of democratic interaction and discussion, now and in the future.
The introduction of a new front square on the side of Parc Léopold allows for a gradual transfer from park to building. With its new entrances and connections, the House provides a lively, active and interesting addition to the park.
The representative and adaptable chamber room is in close contact with its surrounding nature by a large park window and topped with abundant daylight that can be filtered, shaded or blocked when necessary. We designed the chamber in such a way that it can accommodate different uses and democratic events, like a citizens assembly.
competition team members: Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Juliette Bekkering, Boydens engineering part of Sweco, Ney & partners WOW,David van Reybrouck, WAX, YuconVR
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Chairman Jury Zuiderkerkprijs 2021-2022
Juliette Bekkering is chairman of the jury of the Zuiderkerkprijs 2021-2022, the prestiguous Amsterdam architecture award for housing projects.
Three projects have been nominated: Valley by MVRDV, Sluishuis by BIG Bjarke Ingels Group and Barcode Architects, Groenmarkt by Ronal Janssen Architect, Bastiaan Jongerius Architects an Harro.
8 december the winners will be announced.
Art School Reims
Together with Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Juliette Bekkering collaborated on the design of LABORATORY OF THE ARTS: ESAD, in Reims, France.
The design for the Art School in Reims ended as runner-up in the competition.The new Art School is designed as a city, continuously under construction. According to pedagogical wishes, the layout may vary per semester. Although arts education relies heavily on the development of individual skills, one cannot underestimate the importance of the school as a #communitybuilding. The ‘Laboratory of the Arts’ finds the perfect balance between individual students and the community, and between studying in the heart of the building, near a window, or even on the roof terrace outside.
Our proposal is #sustainable and #circular. With a supporting structure mainly of wood, it offers an architectural atmosphere with an exceptional sensitive quality. The characteristic brise-soleils in the facades act as diaphragms filtering light, sun and views. These wooden geometries give the building a distinctive presence, with special attention to comfort requirements and durability.
We certainly enjoyed working on l'École Superieure d’Arte et de Design, with the professional and inspiring team of:
Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims THIENOT BALLAN ZULAICA ARCHITECTES @Terrell @BE Garnier PRIMA INGENIERIE@Dbs Acoustique ETAMINE VOLGA Urbanisme
Visualisations by WAX Architectural Visualizationsread more
Lecture at the International Conference: Catalyzers of Future Ecologies
On 11th March 2022 Juliette Bekkering will be lecturing at the international conference: "Catalyzers of Future Ecologies" organized by Universitad San Francisco de Quito.(USFQ) https://ne-np.facebook.com/USFQCADI/posts/juliette-bekkering-is-a-full-professor-at-the-technical-university-of-eindhoven-/4813787772062785/
Juliette Bekkering, as chair of the jury, presents the ARC 21 oeuvre award to Superuse studio
The jury, chaired by Juliette Bekkering, awards the ARC21 Oeuvre Award to Superuse Studios
With the awarding of the ARC21 Oeuvre Award to Superuse Studios, a true gamechanger who convincingly demonstrates that things can be done differently wins. The jury - led by Juliette Bekkering - praised both their built and unbuilt oeuvre, including all the activities they undertake to pave the way for circular design and construction.
check the video: Arc21Oeuvre Award
Maatschappelijke meerwaarde
Volgens de jury – bestaande uit Juliette Bekkering (voorzitter), Loes Thijssen, Mendel Robbers en Merel Pit (secretaris) – heeft Superuse Studios met deze aanpak een belangrijke verandering te weeg gebracht en daarmee grote maatschappelijke meerwaarde gecreëerd. Het bureau heeft een sterke visie die relevant is voor de grote opgaven waar de mensheid voorstaat.
Daarnaast vindt de jury het belangrijk om de award toe te kennen aan een bureau i.p.v. een persoon, want architectuur is teamwerk. Ze wil iedereen eren die aan de ontwikkeling van Superuse Studios bijdraagt en heeft bijgedragen.’
‘Superuse Studios heeft een belangrijke verandering te weeg gebracht en daarmee grote maatschappelijke meerwaarde gecreëerd.’
De jury neemt positie in
Meerdere keren is de jury bijeengekomen om te onderzoeken wat de ARC Oeuvre Award kan betekenen binnen het Nederlandse architectuurveld. Ze vindt dat de prijs zich moet onderscheiden van de twee andere grote oeuvreprijzen, de BNA Kubus en de Maaskantprijs.
De jury besloot positie in te nemen door het begrip oeuvre breder te trekken, niet slechts als een portfolio met gebouwen, maar ook als een geplaveide weg. Want Superuse Studios heeft een belangrijke bijdrage geleverd aan het feit dat het überhaupt mogelijk is dat er in Nederland circulair wordt ontworpen en gebouwd. Met als resultaat dat het door steeds meer partijen binnen de architectuurwereld en daarbuiten wordt omarmd.
De jury ziet deze toekenning dan ook als een aanmoediging om vooral zo door te blijven gaan. Superuse Studios is al bijna 25 jaar op een hele oorspronkelijke manier bezig met duurzaamheid. Daarbij kijken ze verder dan de ontwerpopgaves waaraan ze werken.
Zo stellen ze hun kennis beschikbaar aan anderen en zijn ze initiatiefnemers van een groot aantal belangrijke ontwikkelingen, zoals de Oogstkaart, Bluecity en het Manifest Belastinghervorming voor de Circulaire Bouweconomie. Daarmee is het bureau een voorbeeld voor toekomstige generaties architecten.
Objet trouvé
Daarnaast prijst de jury de architectuur die hun ontwerpproces voortbrengt. Ze vergelijkt hun architectuur met de kunststroming Objet trouvé, waarbij gevonden voorwerpen uit hun oorspronkelijke omgeving worden gehaald en tot een kunstwerk – of een onderdeel daarvan – worden verheven.
Door de gevonden materialen te herinterpreteren en een nieuwe bestemming te geven, laadt Superuse Studios hun ontwerpen met extra betekenis die niet mogelijk is bij nieuwbouw. Hun werk is niet alleen architectonisch interessant en aansprekend, maar ook een ontdekkingstocht en daarmee een essentieel gesprek. Deze tijd vraagt om statements en revolutie. Superuse Studios past daarbij.
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Juliette Bekkering Chairman ARC21 Oeuvre Award
This year Juliette Bekkering will be the chairman of the ARC21Oeuvre Award.
The prestiguous ARC21 Oeuvre Award is part of the ARC21 Awards and is an initiative of the Architectural Review 'De Architect".
The award is given annually by the editors of the Architect to an individual who has made a lasting and innovative contribution to the improvement of the built environment.
For more information about the award ARC21 Oeuvre Award
The jury consists of the following members: Juliette Bekkering, Loes Thijssen (NOAHH Architecten) and Mendel Robbers (Schipper Bosch).
Merel Pit, chief editor of De Architect, acts as secretary of the jury.
The award ceremony will take place in November 2021.
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Interview Juliette Bekkering on the challenges of circular and bio based architectural design
For a symposium on sustainable developments in U-building, organized by VBI, Juliette Bekkering was interviewed about challenges and opportunities for sustainable and circular building. Watch Video
Report Circularity and Biobased materials in architecture
The book is online: Circularity and Biobased Materials in Architecure and Design.
An evaluation on the status quo and defining future perspectives.
For Design United and ClickNL, Juliette Bekkering is leading the 4TU program on Circularity and Biobased Materials in Architecure and Design. With Cristina Nan and Torsten Schroeder she made an investigation into materials, components and processes, knowledge gaps and challenges when we deal with circular design and biobased materials.
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Podcast Casa Malaparte
Casa Malaparte heeft altijd tot mijn verbeelding gesproken. Door Michiel van Poelgeest ben ik gevraagd een bijdrage te leveren aan de Podcast over dit magnifieke huis. De podcast staat online. Apple Podcasts
Het is zo ver: de aflevering van Platte Grond over Malaparte staat live. Je vindt hem o.a. op Spotify en in Apple Podcasts, maar je kunt hem ook beluisteren via de website.
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Interview on Sustainable developments and circularity
For a symposium on sustainable developments in U-building, organized by VBI, Juliette Bekkering was interviewed about challenges and opportunities for sustainable and circular building.
Juliette Bekkering at DRIVE Festival at Dutch Design Week 2020
For Design United and ClickNL, the 4TU Research Centre for design, Juliette Bekkering is leading the research: “Circularity and biobased Buildings” in the upcoming period: an exciting challenge!
With her colleagues Cristina Nan and Torsten Schroeder she will investigate ongoing research on Circularity and Biobased materials in architecture and formulate an agenda for the future. https://www.clicknl.nl/events/drive-2020-circular-en-biobased-building/
On 20 October 2020, during the Dutch Design Week (DDW), Juliette Bekkering will present the first findings and take part in the discussion-panel at the Drive Festival on the topic.
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Leading the jury: Concrete Design Competition Form-works
Juliette Bekkering will be leading the jury of the Concrete Design Competition 2019/2020 in The Netherlands. The theme of the competition is Form-Works.The competition is organised in the Netherlands by Centrum cementenbeton
The International Concrete Design Competition for Students is a biennial ideas and design competition for students in architecture, engineering, design and affiliated disciplines. It is organized and funded by a consortium of European cement and concrete associations and open for students registered in an educational institute in one of the participating countries.
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Fire Station Doetinchem in 10th anniversary of ARCHIPENDIUM Calender 2020
Juliette Bekkering lecturing in Tokyo
Juliette Bekkering lecturing in the series "ArchiVino" at the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA) in Tokyo.
On 26th December Juliette Bekkering gave a lecture with the title "Design, Work, Life" at the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA) in Tokyo.
Also the young architect Chie Konno gave a lecture and the evening was concluded with a debate, moderated by Prof. Moriko Kira, between the two speakers.
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Opnieuw bij de best gelezen blogs van De Architect
Meest gelezen Blogs van De Architect
Jurymember at the Kobe Design University
On 18 December Juliette Bekkering was a member of the jury at thereviews of the design studio led by Prof. Moriko Kira and Prof. Koura Hisako at the Kobe Design University.
De lezingen en debatten van AANKEILEN! worden geregistreerd en worden online gezet! Zie als voorproef de samenvatting van de eerste editie in juni 2018 tijdens de IABR 2018.
Interview Juliette Bekkering in FD Persoonlijk Magazine
Juliette Bekkering has been interviewed for the weekend magazine of the newspaper Financieel Dagblad about the state of the art of architecture in the Netherlands. Interview
De herbebossing van Nederland in De Architect, maart 2019
New column of Juliette Bekkering published in the March issue 2019 of De Architect.
Making Architecture lecture TUE on March 21st
March 21th 2019
Since 2015 Juliette Bekkering is organising at TU Eindhoven with study association Anarchi The ‘Making’ Architecture Lecture Series. On 21st of March the series continues with two cross-border speakers: the Japanese in the Netherlands based architect Moriko Kira and the Belgium architect Niklaas Deboutte of architecture office Meta. The two architects will give a double lecture about their views on ‘making’ architecture. They will therefore elaborate on a number of projects that show how the process of making, from concept to building, unfolds for that particular speaker and office. The event will take place in the Filmzaal of the Zwarte Doos at the TU Eindhoven. Access is free. The evening starts at 19.00h
Building site Evere(Brussels)
Update from the building site for an energy neutral school in Evere: The building for our energy neutral school in Evere is progressing fast. The covered playgrounds and the volume of the building are taking shape.
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Aankeilen! new series start February 7th
February 5th
We're happy to announce that a new series of Aankeilen! is starting this Thursday. Related to ART Rotterdam, the theme of this series is 'CAN ART CHANGE THE WORLD? First evening with keynote from Jurgen Bey (Studio Makkink &Bey), joined in discussion by project developer Marcel Loosen (ABC Vastgoed), architect Arzu Ayikgezmez (Vitibuck architects) and director R&D IABR Jelte Boeijenga. Moderator Bart Cosijn.
School Campus Peer part of Network Event: 'Building a new generation of Schools'
November 21th
This Wednesday our School Campus in Peer was subject on knowledge network event "Building a new generation of Schools". Organised by the Center for Healthy Schools (Centrum voor Gezonde Scholen) Rik Schepers and Ludo Vandael of Agnetencollege told their audience about their experiences with the design and construction. The School Campus in Peer is in the top Five of the largest projects within Schools of Tomorrow. Rik Schepers and Ludo Vandael discussed their construction trajectory and the flexibility of the educational buildings. They explained their choice for an open learning center, as well as how the campus was used as a textbook example of an open school; dealing with public accessibility, integration in the neighborhood and sustainable mobility.
Daria Scagliola recently made some beautiful new photos of the Peer project, you can find them via this link.
Aankeilen! at Stadmakerscongres Rotterdam; talking about SPACE FOR ENERGY
Passive school Evere taking shape!
October 31th
Our Passive school in Evere (in Brussel, Belgium) is gradually taking shape. This 4500 m2 school with 19 classrooms includes a sportshal, a medical centre and a house for the janitor. The energy-friendly school is designed in such a way that the children as well as parents and local residents are challenged to use it in a divers way. The main multifunctional hall can be used for learning, playing, meetings and schoolperformances, featering a big theatrical stair. . With the main frame up, the contractor is now preparing to finish the different facades: with prefab-concrete in the plinth, continuess glass on the first floor and and brick on the top.
Fire Wall exhibited in Salon Salon
October 10th
Today is the opening of the AFFR (Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam) named HAPPY CITY. Simultaniously there is a wonderful exhibition in Salon Salon (Industriegebouw Rotterdam) with 20 'Happy' architectural models of Rotterdam based Architects firms. Bekkering Adams architects is represented with the Fire-Wall, a prototype of 3D-Concrete printing (in collaboration with TUE/Eindhoven). Be sure not to miss it! Open untill 15 October 2018.
Aankeilen! 2nd edition start today
October 4th
Happy to anounce that we will start a new series of lecture and debate today. Feel invited to share our thoughts and research into the transition of Makers district M4H in Rotterdam. Doors open at 19.00h, starts at 19.30h sharp.Tonight with Key-note of Walter de Vries (Municipality Rotterdam), Marco Stout (Citymaker Hoogkwartier), Els Desmet (City Geographer) and Floris Schiferli (Super-use Studio).
Aankeilen! Lecture and debat in Keilecollectief, this evening 21 June 2018
June 21rd
This evening the third debate in the series of Aankeilen! will take place. With key-note speaker Irene Pohl (Rebelgroup) about the 'Value of Water', in conversation with Peter van Wingerden (Floating Farm), Erik Sterk (Voedseltuin) and Florian Boer (de Urbanisten). Moderator is Bart Cosijn. This evening is Dutch spoken. Welcome, please register with this link: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-aankeilen-watervoedsel-lezingdebat-46322735549
Aankeilen! Lecture and debat in Keilecollectief, next evening 14 June 2018
June 7th
Last Thursday evening, June 7, was our first lecture and debate evening of the series Aankeilen! with the theme Waste I Recycle. It was a very interesting evening with Thijs Aarden (Overmorgen), Nathalie de Vries (MVRDV), Philip Troost (GroenCollect), Han van de Griek (Evides) and moderator Bart Cosijn. Starting with the lecture of Thijs Aarden and the following debat we went looking for the right questions (and possible answers) for the transition of the area of M4H/Makersdistrict, Rotterdam.
Next evening is this Thursday, with the theme Energy I Autarky. Speakers are Boris Hocks (Generation Energy/Posad), Jantien van den Berg (APPM), Peter Mensinga (ARUP) and Sander van Schaik (Personal Architecture). We hope to see you this Thursday June 14, 2018 at the Keilecollectief, start 19,30h, doors open at 19:00, drinks after. Entry is free,to register: click here.
Aankeilen! Workshop Groencollect, coming Workshop Spark innovation & design
June 7th
Last Thursday afternoon, June 7, was our first workshop in the series Aankeilen! where we visited the company GroenCollect in M4H/Makers district, Rotterdam. Groencollect is an innovating company which invents smart solutions for complex problems and executes this with people who are distanced from the labor market. In the workshop we searched together for the right questions and possible answers for a successful transition of the area. Finally we went on a biking tour with Urban Guides and went to a few companies in M4H that all resolve around waste/recycle. A successful afternoon! This week we are guests at Spark design & innovation where we will talk with the founder Robert Barnhoorn. We hope to see you this Thursday June 14, 2018 at the Haka building, start 14:00. Entry is free,to register click here.
Bekkering Adams architects & Keilecollectief on opening IABR
May 28th
Coming 2 and 3 June the opening weekend of IABR will take place. A continuous program on Saturday will comprise the actual kick-off of five weeks of a work biennale that includes exhibitions, debates and exchanges, lectures, tours, workshops and conferences about our future in the delta, the delta of the future. On Saturday 2 June Bekkering Adams architects will present Aankeilen!, a series of lectures, workshops and debates on all Thursdays of June.
Aankeilen! is free of charge, but you have to register: click here. Please note that Aankeilen! is Dutch spoken.
On Thursdays, the Keile Collectief, consisting of Bekkering Adams architecten, GROUP A, De Urbanisten, HP architecten andNieman adviseurs, will host an event called AANKEILEN! under the auspices of the IABR–2018 + 2020–THE MISSING LINK.
This is a series of four lectures, interviews and workshops over, by, and with businesses that are based in the Merwe-Vierhavens District that will look for a greater understanding of the conditions for a successful transition of the district.
“Aankeilen” means “address". Each of the four workshop addresses a specific theme – waste/recycle, energy/autarky, water/food and (circular) area development – and will take place in the afternoon. In these workshops, the collective and local businesses will explore the opportunities for future development and examine what the transition from former port area to urban district means to the spatial structure and character of the area. In the evening, guests are invited to address the theme from their own experiences and expertise and to discuss these with each other, moderated by Bart Cosijn.
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Parents camping at AgnetenCollege Peer to ensure registration
April 14th
Parents of around 25 children have been camping since Friday at the new building of the Agnetencollege in Peer. A number that is likely to increase this weekend. They want to be assured of a place for their child in the first secondary school when the registrations start at 10 a.m. for next school year. Read the full text (dutch only) below.
Het Peerse Agnetencollege, dat in 2016 een gloednieuwe scholencampus in gebruik nam, lijkt te worstelen met het eigen succes. De school zag op twee jaar tijd het leerlingenaantal exploderen van 600 naar meer dan 800, waarmee de capaciteitslimiet voor het nieuwe gebouw al in zicht komt. Het schoolbestuur zag zich dan ook genoodzaakt om het aantal inschrijvingen in het eerste leerjaar te beperken tot 168 leerlingen, van wie 144 leerlingen in de A-stroom en 24 in de B-stroom. Na de voorrangsperiode voor kinderen van schoolpersoneel of kinderen die al een broer of zus op het Agnetencollege hebben, is het aanbod nu al gehalveerd tot 77 beschikbare plaatsen voor de A-stroom. In de B-stroom zijn er nog 21 plaatsen over en is de situatie niet zo prangend. Enkele ouders kozen vrijdag al het zekere voor het onzekere en nestelden zich in de schaduw van de schoolgebouwen om maandag bij de start van de inschrijvingen zeker niet te laat te zijn. “We zouden in september heel graag ons zoontje hier naar school sturen, en later ook zijn jongere broer”, stelt Stefan Nelissen (45) uit het Peerse Wauberg. “Zelf wil mijn zoon ook niet liever. Deze school ligt op een veilige afstand van thuis. Zo kan hij met de fiets naar school.” Het was de voorbije week afwachten of er kampeerders zouden opduiken. “De voorbije dagen heb ik de kat uit de boom gekeken. Toen ik dan deze namiddag de eerste ouders zag opduiken met kampeerspullen, kon ik niet achterblijven. Ik wil maandag niet uit de boot vallen. Als ik door drie keer te overnachten de toekomst van mijn zoontjes kan veiligstellen, dan doe ik dat.” De ouders zullen dit weekend zelf een registratiesysteem bijhouden.
Bij de kamperende ouders zijn er ook die een kind hebben in de naastgelegen basisschool mAgneet. Eerder al overhandigden ze aan het schoolbestuur en de burgemeester een petitie met 360 handtekeningen waarin ze ijverden om hun kinderen ook voorrang te geven. Hiervoor was geen wettelijke basis, maar hun vraag is wel begrijpelijk. “De basisschool en het college liggen op dezelfde campus, maar hebben jammer genoeg niet dezelfde directie”, zucht Peter Palmans (55). “In het verleden werd een doorstroming binnen de campus als een vanzelfsprekendheid gezien, maar door die grote toestroom, ook vanuit omliggende gemeenten, is de situatie nu anders. Ik woon op wandelafstand van de school. Als ik mijn dochter naar een andere school moet sturen, heeft dat heel wat praktische gevolgen. Natuurlijk kampeer ik hier uit liefde voor mijn kind, maar bij het kabinet van minister Crevits mogen ze zich toch eens bezinnen over andere mogelijkheden.” De ouders zullen overnachten in tenten. Sommigen hebben een mobilhome bij. “Gelukkig vriest het niet, toch al één meevaller”, wordt er gelachen.
Rik Schepers van het schoolbestuur zag het ook liever anders. “Maandagavond gaan we de situatie evalueren. Met de 168 nieuwe leerlingen die we in het eerste jaar zullen toelaten, komt ons leerlingenaantal op maar liefst 900. Dan zitten we tegen ons plafond. Als de 77 plaatsen maandag volzet zijn, zullen we een wachtlijst aanleggen met de overige kandidaten. Er kunnen nog altijd openingen vallen, want het kan blijkbaar nog altijd dat een kind op meerdere scholen wordt ingeschreven. De wachtlijst geeft ons ook zicht op het aantal plaatsen dat we te kort hebben.”
Het schoolbestuur overweegt om met klascontainers toch nog extra plaatsen te creëren. “Die deur staat nog op een kier, maar we moeten realistisch zijn. Het zal praktisch heel moeilijk zal zijn om die oplossing nog tegen het nieuwe schooljaar te realiseren.” Het schoolbestuur bekijkt ook of er op lange termijn eventueel bijgebouwd kan worden in de buurt van de campus.
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Fire Wall on Material Xperience in Ahoy Rptterdam
March 7th 2018
Next week Material Xperience, the largest materials fair in the world, will take place in Ahoy Rotterdam on 13-15 March. Our innovation in the field of 3D Concrete Printing - the Fire Wall- is selected for the independent Materia exhibition by one of the sector embassadors of Xperience. More information about this event can be found on Facebook. To register directly for a free ticket, click here. Hope to see you there!
Ceremonial First stone laying of Preliminary school in Evere, Belgium
February 27th 2018
On Tuesday 27th Februari the ceremonial Laying of the First Stone took place of our Preliminary school in Evere. This 4500 m2 school with 19 classrooms includes a sportshal, a medical centre and a house for the janitor. This energy-friendly school is designed in such a way that the children as well as parents and local residents are challenged to use it in a divers way. The main multifunctional hall can be used for learning, playing, meetings and schoolperformances. See this video where Pierre Thomas, Director of Public Works Evere is interviewed on the building site.
Article about Fire Wall 3DCP experiment most popular on site De Architect
November 15th
Article in Dutch Magazine De Architect about our Fire Wall 3DCP-experiment in collaboration with TU-Eindhoven most popular item this week! For the whole article (in Dutch) click here.
Inspiration session Healthy Schools in Peer
November 7th
On December the 6th the Center for Healthy Schools organizes an inspiration session at our School Campus in Peer. With various talks, drinks and guided tours throughout the campus it promises to be a fascinating afternoon. Bekkering Adams will be present and Monica Adams is one of the speakers, explaining about the design and the design process. For the full program, see the invitation of the Center for Healthy Schools. We would be honored to welcome you in Peer on December 6th. Participation is free, however, the number of places is limited, so do not wait too long to register! Direct registration can be via this link.
The School Campus houses more than 1,250 students and forms a beautiful ensemble of four education-related buildings surrounding a publicly accessible park with facilities for playing and sports. With an area of ​​18,500 m², the campus is in the top 5 of the largest projects within the Flemish public-private program Scholen van Morgen. The complex with a secondary school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding school replaces all the buildings of Peer free education in one go. The project is designed as a landscaped ensemble, with the sports fields, playgrounds and public park designed as an integral part of the campus.
Hope to see you December 6th in Peer!
Bekkering Adams on DDW Dutch Design Week Eindhoven
October 26th
This week, Eindhoven is bustling with talented designers showing and discussing inspirational ideas about the future. We are proud to be part of it, showing our 3D-concrete printed Firewall, which we developed together with the TU Eindhoven. You can see it at 'Het Klokgebouw' in de Strijp-area in Eindhoven. DDW runs until Sunday 29th of October, so be quick not to miss it!
Contractor for Passive school Evere selected
September 1th
After an extensive process the contractor for the Preliminary school, sporthall and healthcenter Cicero in Evere is finally selected. We are happy to pronounce that the multifunctional complex will be build by Strabag, the same contractor we have recently finished the Schoolcampus in Peer (also in Belgium) with. Contractor Strabag plans to start beginning of October.
Juliette Bekkering invited at the International Architecture Studio - Galapagos 2017
June 20th - July14th
Juliette Bekkering, together with Michiel Riedijk of Neutelings Riedijk architects, will participate as Guest Professors in the International Architecture Summerschool - Galapagos 2017, organized by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. The main focus of the summerschool to explore ways to design architectural interventions in the heritage natural protected areas of the Galapagos. If you like to read more about the Galapagos report, click here.
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Frank de Vleeschhouwer takes part in Archikidz 2017
June 17th
This Saturday, 17th of June', during the day of Architecture, Archikidz will take place in the Scheepsvaart & Transport College in Rotterdam. Around 300 children will get creative with a diversity of building materials, dreaming a future in and around the River Maas. Frank de Vleeschhouwer of Bekkering Adams architects will be one of the guiding architects, helping them to realise their fantasy.Read more on the website of Archikidz. If you rather look at architecture then making it; you might like to look here at the programme of Dag van Architectuur, which this year takes place in the Martitiem district and Wilhilminapier (June 17th and 18th).read more
Theo Salet speaks about 3d Fire Wall on Cobouw
May 9th
Theo Salet, professor of TU Eindhoven Department of the Built Environment (Chair: Material related Structural Design - Concrete Structures), explains how the design Fire Wall explores a new and artistic side of the 3D concrete printing layering, which technique is trigging curiosity and becoming famous all around the world.
Schoolcampus Peer: a big success!
April 10th
Secondary school Agnetencollege is such a big success that for the coming year there is already a waiting list for new students.
Het Nieuwsblad in Belgium published a news item about Agnetencollege in Peer with the following title: New school immediatly full.
Read the full article (in dutch) here.
Peer: "Scholencampus als landschappelijk ensemble" in Architectenweb
February 16th
The recently completed project "School Campus Peer" has been published in the Newsfeed of Architectenweb. Author: Ronnie Weessies
FRAME: "3D printing is making an impression on concrete"
February 14th
We are proud to be published in the news feed of FRAME web with our latest design Fire Wall and its 3D concrete printed prototype. FRAME interviews Juliette Bekkering about what inspired the proposal, how concrete printing can fit within the industry and what are the next challenges of this design.
Author: Lauren Teague
Architectuur.nl: Filigree patterns of 3D concrete printing
February 14th
"Met het ontwerp ‘Fire Wall’ zijn de grenzen van de mogelijkheden van 3D beton printen opgezocht: door de techniek van het 3D beton printen werd het mogelijk om het ontwerp te voorzien van een rijke ornamentiek en patronen toe te passen waar verschillende materialen geïntegreerd zijn in het beton..."
Author: Petra Starink
Cobouw: Beton als viennetta
February 13th
Juliette Bekkering and Frank de Vleeschhouwer, interviewed by Ad Tissink, talk about Bekkering Adams latest project, 3D concrete printing Fire Wall, and their approach to concrete printing technology. "We wanted to print intricate patterns and experiment with integrating various functions and materials in a single object.."
Author: Ad Tissink
Architectenweb: Exploring 3D concrete printing
February 13th
Architectenweb describes the first impressions of the three prototypes winner of "3D concrete printing Challenge", displayed at Bowbeurs 2017.
Author: Robert Muis
'Public Building for Refugees' graduation studio at BouwBeurs 2017
February 10th
Design proposals and several models from Prof. Juliette Bekkering's graduation students are being displayed at the BouwBeurs 2017. The aim of the studio is to develop designs and prototypes of community and public buildings that support self-development within refugee-camps around the world.
The "Public buildings for refugees" studio is endorsed by a 4TU-Lighthouse grant, and it is a collaboration of the chair of ADE (Architectural Design and Engineering) TU Eindhoven, Juliette Bekkering and the chair of Public Building of the TU Delft, Michiel Riedijk. Video
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Juliette Bekkering about 3D concrete printing
February 9th
Juliette Bekkering presented the 3d conctrete printed prototype of our latest design "Fire Wall" at the BouwBeurs Fair 2017. During her lecture she explained the benefits of combining design and 3d concrete printig technology, referring to three themes characteristic of Bekkering Adams Design: Sculpturality, Ornamentation and Material research.
If you are inspired or just curious to learn more about this contact us or read more about it.
3D Concrete Printing Fire Wall
January 10th
Bekkering Adams Architects together with Cement&BetonCentrum and TU Eindhoven developed a design where the possibilities of 3D Concrete Printing are explored. The prototype will be exhibited during the construction fair BouwBeurs 2017 (Feb 6-10, Jaarbeurs Utrecht).
Three prototypes were designed during the Tectonics Design Challenge 3DCP and developed by three selected architects: Bekkering Adams architects (The Firewall), Bierman Henket architecten (Economy of Nature) and Movares Studio (ESOffice).
During BouwBeurs 2017, the results of a year further design and engineering will display the latest capabilities of 3D concrete printing, showing the architectural potential of this innovative technology.
At least as interesting as the final concrete prototypes are the stories about the process of design and engineering. The printing technique brings the profession of designer and producer namely closer together.
The participating architects of the Design Challenge and researchers from the 3DCP projects will share these stories with the public on Wednesday February 8, 8:00 am to 11:00 (preliminary planning) in the plenary theater in Hall 9.
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Belgenmonument design proposal published in Ontwerpwedsrtrijd Belgenmonument Amersfoort FASadE
January 9th
Bekkering Adams design proposal for the Belgenmonument in Amersfoort has been published in the catalogue of Ontwerpwedsrtrijd Belgenmonument Amersfoort FASadE.
Read the catalogue. (pp.74)
The proposal reflects on the original meaning and purpose of the monument. Our aim was to get back vividly the story and the emotions that the monument intended to express. Implementing the three existing zones with interventions that strengthen and intensify their significance.
The Pad der Droevenis depicts the terror of war with concrete poles, bowing slightly, reinforcing the feeling of a trench.
The Geheime Tuin offers self reflection and scattering through an intimate path towards the heart of the garden, surroundend by water, lights and flower that reflect on the water surface and multiply in the minds.
The Voorplein stands for cheer. Here, in the square of the monument annual events can take place like the memorial of First World War, refugees meetings or classical concerts.
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School Campus Peer published in November issue School Domein
December 9th
The recently completed project "School Campus Peer" has been published in the November 2016 issue of the Dutch Architectural Magazine School Domein. Bekkering Adams architects were asked to give their thoughts about the theme "Warm and accessible" in regards to schoolbuildings. Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering reflecting on the Agnetencollege on the Schoolcampus Peer, Belgium: We like to make architecture that is inviting, with abundant daylight entering deep into the building, and using natural materials such as wood and natural stone. See here for the article.
'Making Architecture' lecture series
December 05th
Juliette Bekkering is organizing the lecture series 'Making Architecture'. Join in at Double Lecture #3: Floris Cornelisse (founding partner Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven)/Pieter Bannenberg (founding partner NL Architects),
Thursday December 15 19:00-21:30u – Lecture Room 4, Auditorium TU/e campus.Click here for more details.
November 11th
Juliette Bekkering is organizing with the chair of ADE (Architectural Design and Engineering) TU Eindhoven and student organisation AnArchi the lecture series 'Making Architecture'. In this lecture series two architects will each give a presentation which creates an interesting dynamic whereby the audience will be exposed to the visions of two (contrasting) people and possibly become inspired by the mix. The speakers are asked to illuminate two or three projects or designs.
Thursday 13 October Joost Vos from Benthem Crouwel Architects and Elma van Boxtel from Zus kicked of with inspiring lectures in a fully packed auditorium.
This month Willem Jan Neutelings from Neutelings Riedijk Architects and Nathalie de Vries from MVRDV will enlighten their working methods.
Join in at Double Lecture #2: Willem Jan Neutelings (Neutelings Riedijk architects)/Nathaltie de Vries (MVRDV), November 17th at the TU/e campus.
Click here for more details.read more
'Making Architecture' lecture series
November 11th
Juliette Bekkering is organizing with the chair of ADE (Architectural Design and Engineering) TU Eindhoven and student organisation AnArchi the lecture series 'Making Architecture'. In this lecture series two architects will each give a presentation which creates an interesting dynamic whereby the audience will be exposed to the visions of two (contrasting) people and possibly become inspired by the mix. The speakers are asked to illuminate two or three projects or designs.
Thursday 13 October Joost Vos from Benthem Crouwel Architects and Elma van Boxtel from Zus kicked of with inspiring lectures in a fully packed auditorium.
This month Willem Jan Neutelings from Neutelings Riedijk Architects and Nathalie de Vries from MVRDV will enlighten their working methods.
Join in at Double Lecture #2: Willem Jan Neutelings (Neutelings Riedijk architects)/Nathaltie de Vries (MVRDV), November 17th at the TU/e campus.
Click here for more details.read more
Second prize at DDW for
October 28th
The graduation studio: Public Building for Refugees, led by Juliette Bekkering and Sjef van Hoof at the TU Eindhoven was presented at the Dutch Design Week (DDW) and awarded with the second prize for the best "Social Design Award".
More information: Public Building for refugees winner second prize social design @DDW
Scholencampus Peer School Year has started!
September 1st
Thursday September 1st the users of School Campus Peer have started the new school year. AgnetenCollege, Elementary school mAgneet and Boarding school Agnetendal have welcomed their students with festivities such as a performance in Agnetencollege, using the big theatre stair what it was meant to be for! The formal openening will be on the 30th of September (by invitation only). On Sunday 2nd of October all buildings on the campus will be open for the public.
August 18th
During this summer the users of School Campus Peer have been taking preparations for the upcoming start of the new school year, starting September 1th. Last week AgnetenCollege, Elementary school mAgneet and Boarding school Agnetendal have been busy with the relocation and they are now ready to welcome their students. In between all the activities photographer Daria Scagliola managed to make some beautiful shots of Agnetencollege. Ahead of the final photos please enjoy the sneakpreview of the great central hall and the architectural colums accentuating Agnetencollege and the entrance to the public park.
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Juliette Bekkering about Future of Education, NI Rotterdam
August 31
Coming Saturday September 3rd 2016, Juliette Bekkering will be guest speaker at the debate about the future of architectural education in the New Institute in Rotterdam. The debate is part of the EAAE Congres EAAE 2016 congres ‘For Example Delft’.
Saturday 3 September 2016, Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam, 15:30 – 17:00 uur.
Juliette Bekkering lectures at Summer School Macedonia
July 9th
This summer Juliette Bekkering joins the International Summer School of Architecture in Macedonia organised by the Faculty of Architecture of the SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Together with Michiel Riedijk she will lead workshops and give lectures about Collage, Montage and Assemblage in Art and Architecture, and about the works of Bekkering Adams architects.
Schoolcampus Peer in final phase : time lapse
June 5th
With the signing of the VBC-contracts by the IM, the execution of the four buildings and its surroundings has come to its final phase. In September the schools will start their lessons in the new buildings and a grand opening is being prepared for the end of September.
Publication Villa het Tolhuis
May 30th
The publication of Villa het Tolhuis on the Tektoniek website and in the May issue of Cement, emphasizes the use of concrete material in the design and elborates the self-built proces of the private clients.
Tektoniek is a trade journal focussing on the use of concrete in the built environment. They are aligned with research center Cement en Beton, which is currently involved in the exploring of 3D concrete printing by the TU/E in Eindhoven. Bekkering Adams architects are also involved in this research, with our project-proposal Firewall.
A crowded Day of the Open Buildingsite Peer: over 2.500 visitors
May 23th
Yesterday the annual Day of the Open Building Site (Open Wervendag) of our School Campus Peer was a great succes. With 2.500 visitors, the expectations were surpassed, resulting in a crowded building site during the whole day.
Besides lots of children, posing for a photobooth with on-site building attributes, a lot of inhabitants of the city Peer took a quick peek on the construction site.
Our project School Campus Peer started in 2013 and will be ready in time for the fortcoming start of the school year this September. Now that the progress of the four buildings and the overall plan of the School Campus is more visible, it is clear to see that the School Campus will add a whole new educational, social,- and cultural area to the city of Peer.
May 18th
During the official Open Wervendag (Day of the Open Building Site) in Belgium this Sunday 22 May, various building projects on site are open to the public. Also School Campus Peer can be visited.
The campus consists of four buildings around a green park. All four buildings and their environment are being built simultaneously. During the Open Wervendag, a route is laid out allowing visitors to view the progression of the secondary school AgnetenCollege and the primary school de mAgneet. On the first floor of Agnetencollege the models of all four buildings are presented, giving a good overview tof the whole area of the Campus.
At the end of the tour Scholen van Morgen offers various building site gadgets, and a photobooth to share your Building Site- look online. The building site is open from 12.00 untill 17.00. See the website for more info.
April 25th
During the official Open Wervendag (Day of the Open Building site) on Sunday 22 May, various building projects in Belgium open their construction sites for the public. Also School Campus Peer will open their site to the public.
All four buildings are already taking shape. On the Open Day you will be able to visit at least the Primary School. Today, De Scholen van Morgen launches the website for this special occassion.
The building site at the Collegelaan in Peer will be opened from 10h - 17h for visitors who are curious to see the works in progress.
March 14th
Last week a group of future students of the School Campus Peer attended an Open Day where there was a possibility to look at the overview maquette of Peer, while being explained the progress of the project by Rik Schepers, who is the chairman of the Building Commity of the Peer project.
Due to the work in progress it was not possible to enter the site itself. However even through the fences it is clear that the various buildings are being elevated. See the overview picture and the secundary school Agnetendal shown on the picture below.
Update: Placing 36 meter long wooden beams
November 30th
With most of the structural work in the buildings now almost done. The interior work starting with the mechanical and electrical engineers busy preparing their future work, one of the last but definitely not least structural works was executed last week. In the Sports Complex eight woorden beams were placed. Being 36 meters long, transport took place during the night. Positioning them however went pretty fast.
Watch the spectacular moment of placing these 36 meter long elements.
Update: Four emerging buildingsOctober 1st
Climbing the cranes at the construction site of School Campus Peer gives a wonderfull view on the four buildings which are emerging fast. In the concrete contours the plans of the secondary school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding school are becoming more and more recognizable.
Update: New website School Campus Peer
September 8th
Our School Campus Peer is part of the broader movement 'Scholen van Morgen', building 165 schools all over Belgium.
Scholen van Morgen has a new website showing more detailled information. On the website for the project in Peer http://scpeer.scholenvanmorgen.be/ you can see the webcams on all four buildings, and thus see the progress on a daily basis.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Public Playground selected as example Active Public Space
May 2nd
Our project Public Playground at Mullerpier, Rotterdam is recently selected for Active Public Space. This organisation links the forthgoing urbanisation of European cities to Smart Urban Technologies to catalyse sustainable economic development, resilience, and high quality of life. We are proud that Public Playground is selected as an example of progressive, social design, relevant for today's changing cities and public space.
Public Playground resulted from a research into the potential of playgrounds for the public domain in 2007. It will be publiced in the catalogue of Active Public Space and presented at the symposium in Barcelona.
See also here for info.
Wake up in Architecture
April 18th
This weekend IABR (International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam) opens their manifestation The Next Economy.
Part of the program is Wake up in Architecture, where visitors can subscribe to stay over at an architect's- or architectural place.
Together with De Urbanisten and GROUP A, Bekkering Adams architects invite their guests in the office offering to sleep in a tent for a real 'architectural safari'.The first brave visitors are due to come next week Tuesday- and since they are reporters from GERS! magazine, we will soon find out how their adventurous architectural stay was. Read their experience here.
© Marieke Odekerken
Publication Villa het Tolhuis
April 4th
Our latest project, Villa het Tolhuis, is included in the Czech publication Beton, in print as well as online on the corresponding website ASB-portal.cz.
The article is a follow up of the nomination of the Tolhuis for the Dutch Betonprijs. The article, named 'Betonprijs 2015: the best concrete constructions in the Netherlands in the last two years', explores the versatility of concrete in general,and within the Tolhuis in particular.
The design of Villa het Tolhuis was executed by the owners itself, and it contained large parts of in-situ concrete elements. It was therefore nominated for the Betonprijs 2015 in the category 'residential houses'.
Open Day Schoolcampus Peer
March 14th
Last week a group of future students of the School Campus Peer attended an Open Day where there was a possibility to look at the overview maquette of Peer, while being explained the progress of the project by Rik Schepers, who is the chairman of the Building Commity of the Peer project.
Due to the work in progress it was not possible to enter the site itself. However even through the fences it is clear that the various buildings are being elevated. See the overview picture and the secundary school Agnetendal shown on the picture below.
Update: Placing 36 meter long wooden beams
November 30th
With most of the structural work in the buildings now almost done. The interior work starting with the mechanical and electrical engineers busy preparing their future work, one of the last but definitely not least structural works was executed last week. In the Sports Complex eight woorden beams were placed. Being 36 meters long, transport took place during the night. Positioning them however went pretty fast.
Watch the spectacular moment of placing these 36 meter long elements.
Update: Four emerging buildingsOctober 1st
Climbing the cranes at the construction site of School Campus Peer gives a wonderfull view on the four buildings which are emerging fast. In the concrete contours the plans of the secondary school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding school are becoming more and more recognizable.
Update: New website School Campus Peer
September 8th
Our School Campus Peer is part of the broader movement 'Scholen van Morgen', building 165 schools all over Belgium.
Scholen van Morgen has a new website showing more detailled information. On the website for the project in Peer http://scpeer.scholenvanmorgen.be/ you can see the webcams on all four buildings, and thus see the progress on a daily basis.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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New school design by Bekkering Adams architects in Brussels
February 22th
Bekkering Adams architects are designing a zero carbon school in cooperation with De Bouwerij Architects for the Municipality of Evere, Brussels. The building contains a elementary school, nursery school, sports and caretakers house, including the outdoor area with a covered playground.
This building is designed as a green oasis in urban surroundings. The school with it's related functions will be an icon for the area where all residents of the neigbourhood can feel at home and relate to.
For this sustainable design Bekkering Adams architects and De Bouwerij Architects were advised by Cenergie and Util.
Art & architecture in Rotterdam
February 11th
Our new office in the M4H area looks out at the 'Voedseltuin" and the premises of renowned Dutch artist Joep van Lieshout (Atelier van Lieshout). This week provided us a sneak preview at some of their characteristic sculptures being prepared for the Art Rotterdam fair this weekend.
Meanwhile Bekkering Adams architects & GROUP A are preparing for Hotel Rotterdam Wake Up in Architecture with a very special edition this year involving our new office building. More information will follow in March. Hotel Rotterdam. Wake Up in Architecture - is connected to IABR International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam , and will run from April 22nd to July 10th 2016
Research 3DCP - 3D Concrete Printing presented at Gevelbeurs - Materia
February 2th
Early results of the TU Eindhoven research program 3DCP - 3D Concrete Printing - were presented at the Gevelbeurs - Materia 2016. Last September during several workshops the possibilties of 3D concrete printing were explored. For developing prototypes a competition was held, the designs by Bekkering Adams architects, StudioSK and Bierman Henket architecten were selected and presented at the Gevelbeurs - Materia.
October 21st
During the Dutch Design Week 2015 the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum will present the ambitions and opportunities of the research program 3DCP - 3D Concrete Printing. Thursday October 22nd a huge and varied event takes place with presentations, workshops and a marketplace for gathering and exchanging experiences in the field of 3D printing which is developing extremely fast.
During an earlier 3DCP event in September Bekkering Adams architects did a proposal for an experimental design in 3DCP. At 19.30hrs this design will be presented during the event by Juliette Bekkering.
Keynote speakers of the event are Theo Salet - Professor of the Department of the Built Environment, PdD Rob Wolfs, Gregor Zimmermann - research consultant of G.tecz Engineering and Fabio Gramazio of the Gramazio Kohler Research group and Professor Architecture and Digital Production of the ETH University Zürich.
September 25th
October 22nd the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum will present the ambitious research program 3DCP - 3D Printing in Concrete. A large 3D concrete printer is installed at the Eindhoven University lab - click here to watch the machine being build.
The research will be led by prof.ir. Theo Salet of the Department of the Built Environment. Juliette Bekkering is involved as the Full Chair Professor Architectural Urban Design and Engineering of the TUe.
Several workshops are set up to further explore the possibilities of 3D printing. Friday September 18th the third 3DCP workshop took place. The involved architects, structural engineers and material designers were asked to present an experimental design which uses the full potential of 3D printing in concrete. Bekkering Adams architects are also involved and Monica Adams presented our proposal. All designs and proposals will be enclosed and presented during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, October 22nd.
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February 1st
Last Friday we - Bekkering Adams architects, GROUP A & de Urbanisten - had the unofficial opening of the new office in the Keilepand in the M4H area. More information about the official opning will follow...
Photos Frank Hanswijk
Bekkering Adams part of Gevelbeurs - Materia 2016
January 20th
The experimental 3DCP - 3D Concrete Printing design by Bekkering Adams architects is part of the TU-Eindhoven presentation at the Gevelbeurs - Materia 2016. Last October the TUe and Cement & Beton Centrum started the ambitious research program about 3d printing in concrete.
Gevelbeurs - Materia 2016: January 27th - 29th 2016 Ahoy Rotterdam Free entrance after registration online
We've moved
January 19th
It's official: Bekkering Adams architects and GROUP A moved to a new office at the Keilepand in the M4H area. By the end of the month de Urbanisten will join us.
Photo Frank Hanswijk
New adress
Keilestraat 9f
3029 BP Rotterdam
0031 (0)10 - 425 81 66
December 5th
Coming January Bekkering Adams architects will move into a new office, together with co-tenant GROUP A. After enjoying our current office space in the monumental building 'Diepeveen' with its characteristic tower, we feel it's now time to discover and develop a new environment. We are exited to move to an inspiring new studio, situated within the dynamic and upcoming M4H district - Merwe Vierhavens.
In this innovative area Bekkering Adams architects will join a diverse mix of companies already situated in the area, such as Atelier van Lieshout, Studio Roosegaarde, Marconia and Studio Makkink & Bey. Together with start-up CleanTech companies and "Making" companies including Buurman - de Bende, de Voedseltuin and Madein4Haven we are fully commited to join them in the creation of a pioneer location for innovation and inspiration.
Since the original ware house needed some serious changes before we could use it as an office, the last half year we have been busy to transforme the space into a working space as well as forming the communal welcome area and meeting space. See also the blog by Lolke Ket (Group A) for a weekly update of the work under construction.
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Villa het Tolhuis featured on Dezeen magazine
January 5th
Check out our design for Villa 'het Tolhuis' featured on Dezeen magazine: www.dezeen.com
New office for Bekkering Adams architects
December 5th
Coming January Bekkering Adams architects will move into a new office, together with co-tenant GROUP A. After enjoying our current office space in the monumental building 'Diepeveen' with its characteristic tower, we feel it's time to discover and develop a new environment. We are exited to move to an inspiring new studio, situated within the dynamic and upcoming M4H district - Merwe Vierhavens.
In this innovative area Bekkering Adams architects will join a diverse mix of companies already situated in the area, such as Atelier van Lieshout, Studio Roosegaarde, Marconia and Studio Makkink & Bey. Together with start-up CleanTech companies and "Making" companies including Buurman - de Bende, de Voedseltuin and Madein4Haven we are fully commited to join them in the creation of a pioneer location for innovation and inspiration.
Since the original ware house needed some serious changes before we could use it as an office, the last half year we have been busy to transforme the space into a working space as well as forming the communal welcome area and meeting space. See also the blog by Lolke Ket (Group A) for a weekly update of the work under construction.
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Update: Placing 36 meter long wooden beams
November 30th
With most of the structural work in the buildings now almost done. The interior work starting with the mechanical and electrical engineers busy preparing their future work, one of the last but definitely not least structural works was executed last week. In the Sports Complex eight woorden beams were placed. Being 36 meters long, transport took place during the night. Positioning them however went pretty fast.
Watch the spectacular moment of placing these 36 meter long elements.
Update: Four emerging buildings
October 1st
Climbing the cranes at the construction site of School Campus Peer gives a wonderfull view on the four buildings which are emerging fast. In the concrete contours the plans of the secondary school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding school are becoming more and more recognizable.
Update: New website School Campus Peer
September 8th
Our School Campus Peer is part of the broader movement 'Scholen van Morgen', building 165 schools all over Belgium.
Scholen van Morgen has a new website showing more detailled information. On the website for the project in Peer http://scpeer.scholenvanmorgen.be/ you can see the webcams on all four buildings, and thus see the progress on a daily basis.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Winner Betonprijs - Concrete Award 2015 will be announced this week
November 17th
Villa 'het Tolhuis' by Bekkering Adams architects is nominated for the Betonprijs - Concrete Award! This week the winner will be announced at the city hall of Rotterdam.
Click here for the full list of nominees.
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Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2016 released
November 9th
Friday November 6th the Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2016 was released and festively presented at hotspot Fenixloods II, Rotterdam. We are very pleased about having a Bekkering Adams architects project selected for the third time. The Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2016 reflects the artistic archievements of artists and architects living and working in Rotterdam. Each day of the year the calendar shows a work of a Rotterdam located artist or designer from the field of art, architecture, poetry, fashion, photography, grafic design and more.
The June 22nd page of the calander shows Villa 'het Tolhuis', recently completed and photographed by Daria Scagliola - Scagliola Brakkee Fotografie.
Friday Novemeber 6th the Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2016 was released and is available at the webshop of publisher Trichis.
In 2015 Bekkering Adams architects joined the calendar with the the Architecture Biennale Venice 2015 project - FUNDAMENTALS Form-ContraForm and in 2012 with the desgin for Ensemble Bloemershof.
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Bekkering Adams architects at PLDC - Professional Lighting Design Convention
November 2nd
Bekkering Adams architects were invited to present their Fundamentals Form:Contra-Form project at the recently held PLDC - Professional Lighting Design Convention 2015 in Rome. The project - developed in co-operation with light designers BeersNielsen was designed originally for the Architecture Biennale Venice 2014. Previously the project also has been nominated for the Best Light Art Installation of the DARC-Awards 2015. During a three day convention PLDC offered a communication platform for established lighting designers, researchers, manufactures, city planners and architects to exchange and share knowledge and new approaches in the field of light and lighting.
Photo Form-ContraForm - left photo - by Jeroen Musch
The Fundamentals: Form-ContraForm was developed with light designers BeersNielsen on the invitation of Global Art Affairs Foundation and supported by the Grant Programme Internationalization of the Stimulerings Fonds Creatieve Industrie. In 2014 the installation has been exhibited not only at the Architecture Biennale in Venice, but also at the Microwave New Media Arts Festivan in Hong Kong. The project was nominated for the Best Light Art Installation of the DARC-Awards 2015.
Watch Fundamentals:Form-ContraForm as it was exhibited at the Architecture Biennale Venice 2015 at Palazzo Mora.
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Proposal Bekkering Adams architects selected for further research 3D Concrete Printing
October 22nd
Thursday 22nd October Bekkering Adams architects presented their poposal 'Fire wall' at the symposium 3D Concrete Printing, organised by the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum during the Dutch Design Week 2015. We are proud that our proposal has been selected for further research and development with the 3D printer. In the coming period further drawings and tests will be made. The ambitious goal is to present the first printed experiments of the 'Fire wall' on the 'Gevelbeurs' in January 2016.
Juliette Bekkering is involved as representative of Bekkering Adams architects as well as the Chair Professor Architectural Design and Engineering of the TUe, involved in the research on 3D Concrete Printing. The research is led by Theo Salet - Professor Structural Design at the Facultyt of the Built Environment, and a collaboration of the two chairs. Watch also the video of the Dutch 8 o' clock news of 21 October 2015 (18.24-20.17 sec)
October 21st
During the Dutch Design Week 2015 the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum will present the ambitions and opportunities of the research program 3DCP - 3D Concrete Printing. Thursday October 22nd a huge and varied event takes place with presentations, workshops and a marketplace for gathering and exchanging experiences in the field of 3D printing which is developing extremely fast.
During an earlier 3DCP event in September Bekkering Adams architects did a proposal for an experimental design in 3DCP. At 19.30hrs this design will be presented during the event by Juliette Bekkering.
Keynote speakers of the event are Theo Salet - Professor of the Department of the Built Environment, PdD Rob Wolfs, Gregor Zimmermann - research consultant of G.tecz Engineering and Fabio Gramazio of the Gramazio Kohler Research group and Professor Architecture and Digital Production of the ETH University Zürich.
September 25th
October 22nd the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum will present the ambitious research program 3DCP - 3D Printing in Concrete. A large 3D concrete printer is installed at the Eindhoven University lab - click here to watch the machine being build.
The research will be led by prof.ir. Theo Salet of the Department of the Built Environment. Juliette Bekkering is involved as the Full Chair Professor Architectural Urban Design and Engineering of the TUe.
Several workshops are set up to further explore the possibilities of 3D printing. Friday September 18th the third 3DCP workshop took place. The involved architects, structural engineers and material designers were asked to present an experimental design which uses the full potential of 3D printing in concrete. Bekkering Adams architects are also involved and Monica Adams presented our proposal. All designs and proposals will be enclosed and presented during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, October 22nd.
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TU Eindhoven graduation studio 'Texel Metabolised' presented at DDW15
October 21st
The one year spent working within the Texel Metabolised graduation studio resulted in the Texel Flows Atlas and 18 Strategies for self-sufficient Texel. Find Texel Metabolised at Dutch Design Week 2015 in the Mind the Step section, Klokgebouw, hall 3.
The 18 strategies for a self-sufficient Texel explore various themes that originated in the initial research on Texel's metabolic flows. Check the PDF or watch the presentation explaned by Juliette Bekkering and students.
Villa 'het Tolhuis' by Bekkering Adams architects completed
October 14th
The design for Villa 'het Tolhuis' is a conversion of an existing toll house with working and living areas. This Bekkering Adams architects project is recently completed and photographed by Daria Scagliola. It is published by Harm Tilman in the October issue of 'de Architect' and nominated for the Betonprijs 2015.
Click here for more information and data. Or contact us by email info@bekkeringadams.nl of telephone 0031 (0)10 425 8166 for publication material.
Update: Four emerging buildings
October 1st
Climbing the cranes at the construction site of School Campus Peer gives a wonderfull view on the four buildings which are emerging fast. In the concrete contours the plans of the secondary school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding school are becoming more and more recognizable.
Update: New website School Campus Peer
September 8th
Our School Campus Peer is part of the broader movement 'Scholen van Morgen', building 165 schools all over Belgium.
Scholen van Morgen has a new website showing more detailled information. On the website for the project in Peer http://scpeer.scholenvanmorgen.be/ you can see the webcams on all four buildings, and thus see the progress on a daily basis.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Experimental prototype design for 3DCP - 3D Printing in Concrete at TUe
September 25th
October 22nd the TU-Eindhoven and Cement & Beton Centrum will present the ambitious research program 3DCP - 3D Printing in Concrete. A large 3D concrete printer is installed at the Eindhoven University lab - click here to watch the machine being build.
The research will be led by prof.ir. Theo Salet of the Department of the Built Environment. Juliette Bekkering is involved as the Full Chair Professor Architectural Urban Design and Engineering of the TUe.
Several workshops are set up to further explore the possibilities of 3D printing. Friday September 18th the third 3DCP workshop took place. The involved architects, structural engineers and material designers were asked to present an experimental design which uses the full potential of 3D printing in concrete. Bekkering Adams architects are also involved and Monica Adams presented our proposal. All designs and proposals will be enclosed and presented during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, October 22nd.
Bekkering Adams architects part of De Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2015
September 19th
The Fundamentals Form:ContraForm installation for the Architecture Biennale Venice 2015 is part of the De Grote Rotterdams Kunstkalender.
Bekkering Adams architects at De Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2012
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Archicup Rotterdam 2015, it was a great day
September 18th
Great weather, good food, a cheerful crowd and above all, fanatic teams: Everything needed to make the Archicup 2015 a succes was available. Last years' winner Power House Company defended their titel in the finale, but the result was 1-0 for MVRDV. Thanks again everyone from GROUPA en Bekkering Adams architects who was involved in the organisation this year. It will be a difficult one for OMA next year to beat that one!
photos by Martijn de Koning
Check Architectweb for more about the Archicup 2015.
Update: New website School Campus Peer
September 8th
Our Schoolcampus Peer is part of the broader movement 'Scholen van Morgen', building 165 schools all over Belgium.
Scholen van Morgen has a new website showing more detailled information. On the website for the project in Peer http://scpeer.scholenvanmorgen.be/ you can see the webcams on all four buildings, and thus see the progress on a daily basis.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Archicup Rotterdam 2015
September 7th
The qualification of Oranje for the UEFA Europa League might be undisputed. But for 13 architectural offices the Archicup Rotterdam 2015 is a fact! Organized by GROUPA and Bekkering Adams architects the competition will take place Saturday September 12th at the Henegouwerplein.
The competition will start at 10.30 hrs with last years' winner Power House Company against MVRDV. Other teams: Broek Bakema, De Zwarte Hond, Hoogstad, Groosman, KCAP, Mecanoo, Nov '82, OMA, West 8, ZUS and RAVB.
The Archicup Rotterdam 2015 is sponsered by Alcoa and Komplot.
Update: Facades ground floor are emerging
August 24th
The building site of our Schoolcampus in Peer, Belgium, has been continuously under construction during the summer period. In this period they have started the placing of the blue natural stone, starting at the ground floor of the Primary school and the Boarding school. With this new phase of the building process the facades of the buildings are really starting to emerge. The Schoolcampus consist of a Secondary school, an Elementary and Primary school, a Sports complex and a Boarding school, all planning to finish summer next year. Although programmatically and spacially different, they all share the same architectural language and materialisation. The blue natural stone ground floor is an important aspect in the overall outlook of the buildings. We will keep you updated of the progress! See also the read more section for previous news on the campus.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Bekkering Adams wins competition Evere
August 10th
Our submission for a Primary School at Evere, Belgium, is officially chosen by the Municipality of Evere. The project is executed in collaboration with the Brussel-based architecture office De Bouwerij. It consists of an energy sufficient, sculptural and spacious building complex, accommodating children from 2 to 12 years. Next to the classrooms it containsts a sport center, a library and more general spaces to be uses by the community.
The competition is established in close collaboration with advisors Cenergie cvba for Mechanical and Electrical engineering and UTIL cvba for Structural engineering.
The expected completion for the design phase is 2016. -
Update: Fundamentals: Form/ContraForm shortlisted for DARC Awards 2015
July 27th
Our project Fundamentals: Form/ContraForm, a collaboration with Light designers BeersNielsen is officially shortlisted for the Best Light Art Installation of the DARC Awards 2015. Professionals vote for each others designs, celebrating the best projects in international architectural & decorative lighting design.
The award ceremony will take place on September 24th in London.Fundamentals: Form/ContraForm nominated for DARC Awards
July 13th
Light designers BeersNielsen submitted our installation for the architecture Biennale 2014: Fundamentals: Form/Contraform, in the category of 'Best Light Installation' of the DARC Awards. This London-based Award Prize is a recognition of the discipline of light design, where participating light designers can vote on each others projects.
The winner of the DARC Awards is announced in September.read more
Bekkering Adams architects featured on Archipendium calander
July 8th
On the 8th of July page of the Archipendium calander the Ensemble Bloemershof project by Bekkering Adams architect is featured. The Archipendium 2015 calander provides an overview of the most fascinating modern developments in contemporary architecture. Each project exemplifies the effort of architects and designers to make life better and more sustainable.
For more information see the Archipendium webshop
Vote Now for the Dutch property contest: 'Meest Invloedrijke Vastgoedvrouw 2015'
July 1st
Today the polls are open to vote for the most influential woman in property-business (NL) of this year. The competition 'Meest Invloedrijke Vastgoedvrouw 2015' includes the nominations of both Monica Adams as Juliette Bekkering, so we have a double chance to win it!
You can vote directly here or click on the image below. -
Schuurman Head office wins prize at 1st Architecture Prize Alkmaar
June 22th
During the national 'Day of Architecture', it was anounced that our project 'Headoffice Schuurman Group' has won the 3rd prize (juryprize) of the Architecture Informationcenter Alkmaar (AIA). The prize is for the most beautiful building in Alkmaar of the past 15 years. Headoffice Schuurman Group was completed in 2008.
June 19th
During the national 'Day of Architecture', the winner of the AIA-Architecture Prize will be announced. Our project Headoffice Schuurman Group is nominated for this jury- and public prize, proclaimed by the Architecture Informationcenter Alkmaar (AIA).
Headoffice Schuurman Group is also part of the accompanying exhibition 'Modern Architecture in Alkmaar', where mayor mr. Piet Bruinooge will name the winner, coming Sunday at 12am. Please feel welcome to join us at the Grote Kerk, Koorstraat 2 in Alkmaar.
June 1st
Thursday 4th of June the exhibition ‘Hedendaagse Architectuur in Alkmaar’ will be opened at the Grote Kerk at Alkmaar around 4 PM. The exhibition is also an election for the ‘most beautiful building in Alkmaar’ of the past 15 years.
Bekkering Adams architects are nominated with their Head Office for the Schuurman Group. Every visitor of the exhibition can make their vote; during the ‘Day of Architecture’ on June 21st the winner is announced by the mayor of Alkmaar, Piet Bruinooge. So please go see the exhibition and vote for our building at the Grote Kerk, Koorstraat 2 at Alkmaar!
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Workshop 3D- concrete printing
June 15th
On June 5th Juliette Bekkering took part in the leading-group workshop: 3D printing with concrete at the Technical University of Eindhoven.
3D printing is not fiction anymore. In the field of medical technique it is now a reality. In building-constructions 3D printers are already used for plastic construction products. But 3D printing in concrete is still lagging behind, but catching up. Researchers from the Department of Structural Design and Architectural Design and Engineering, TU-Eindhoven have begun exploring the possibilities. In the coming years the chair of Juliette Bekkering will start a research exploring the possibilities of 3D printing with concrete. The workshop was an initiative of the Cement & Beton Centrum and Booosting in collaboration with the TU Eindhoven.
Update: Striking columns eyecatcher for new School Campus Peer
June 8th
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The extensive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a Secundairy school, Elementary school, Sports complex and Boarding school around a green public park. Expected completion is summer next year.
The new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkStriking columns eyecatcher for new campusThe new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkStriking columns eyecatcher for new campusThe new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkThe new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkeyecatcher for new campusThe new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkcolumns eyecatcher for new campusThe new campus is progressing and the first sculptural columns are placed. Comments from users and bystanders are positive. The columns are the first visible signs of the architecture of the new campus. The massive construction site is located near the center of Peer and includes a high school, elementary school, sports complex and boarding around a green public parkUpdate: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update: Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Update: Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Article ‘Sculpturality, scenography and materiality’ by Juliette Bekkering published in ‘De Architect'
May 18th
The Dutch magazine ‘De Architect’ published the article ‘Sculpturality, scenography and materiality’, written by Juliette Bekkering, in their May edition.
In the article, titled ‘Sculpturality, scenography and materiality’, Juliette Bekkering sketches a reinterpretation of the Vitruvian terms venustas, utilitas and firmitas, better known as beauty, functionality and stability, and how these terms can give meaning to today’s architecture.
click here do download the article
Planet Texel Academy: presentation TU-Eindhoven students
May 11th
On Tuesday evening the 21st of April the first results of the TUe Texel Metabolized graduation studio have been presented in a well-attended public presentation in het Dorpshuis in De Koog on Texel. The work was presented to representatives of the municipality, experts from different offices working on Texel and people of Texel. After a short introduction of the studio, the students presented a summary of the work so far: the Planet Texel Guide, the Atlas and the first results of the individual design proposals for Texel and De Koog.
The final presentation of the results of the graduation studio will be held in September. An exhibition will be showing the architecturalprojects, the research and the atlas.
The Planet Texel Academy (PTA) is an interdisciplinary platform for research, experimentation, knowledge and design where exchange between disciplines is done by means of symposia, lectures, workshops and exhibitions. PTA wants to stimulate a new way of thinking about social issues, based on restored connections with the environment. PTA is cooperating with stakeholders (governmental, societal, NGOs) and scientific institutes such as the Dutch Technical Universities of Eindhoven and Delft. PTA puts forward innovative proposals and strategies that support the ambitions of the island of Texel to strengthen the self-reliance of people and communities.
The Architectural Department (AUDE) from the Technical University Eindhoven is participating in the PTA with a graduation studio of 19 students working on innovative ideas for a self-sufficient and sustainable Texel. Focus of the TUe studio is the metabolism of Texel in relation to innovation; hereby the metabolism of the island is researched, and innovative new urban & architectural ideas for De Koog, as well as the island as a whole, are developed simultaneously.
Goal is not only to strengthen the ambition of Texel to become a self-sufficient and sustainable island, but also to be the experimental garden where innovation and research play a key role.
Bernard Colenbrander, Juliette Bekkering and Barbara Kuit are leading the studio.
April 21th
Tonight, Tuesday the 21st of April, the first results of the Planet Texel Academy will be presented at a public presentation, to the municipality and people of Texel. Prof. Juliette Bekkering will give a short introduction of the studio, followed by Pecha Kucha presentations of the students' innovative project proposals for Texel.
The Planet Texel Academy (PTA) is an interdisciplinary platform for research, experimentation, knowledge and design where exchange between disciplines is done by means of symposia, lectures, workshops and exhibitions. PTA wants to stimulate a new way of thinking about social issues, based on restored connections with the environment. PTA is cooperating with stakeholders (governmental, societal, NGOs) and scientific institutes such as the Dutch Technical Universities of Eindhoven and Delft. PTA puts forward innovative proposals and strategies that support the ambitions of the island of Texel to strengthen the self-reliance of people and communities.
The Architectural Department (AUDE) from the Technical University Eindhoven is participating in the PTA with a graduation studio of 19 students working on innovative ideas for a self-sufficient and sustainable Texel. Focus of the TUe studio is the metabolism of Texel in relation to innovation; hereby the metabolism of the island is researched, and innovative new urban & architectural ideas for De Koog, as well as the island as a whole, are developed simultaneously.
Goal is not only to strengthen the ambition of Texel to become a self-sufficient and sustainable island, but also to be the experimental garden where innovation and research play a key role.
Bernard Colenbrander, Juliette Bekkering and Barbara Kuit are leading the studio.
The Planet Texel Academy (PTA) is an interdisciplinary platform for research, experimentation, knowledge and design where exchange between disciplines is done by means of symposia, lectures, workshops and exhibitions. PTA wants to stimulate a new way of thinking about social issues, based on restored connections with the environment. PTA is cooperating with stakeholders (governmental, societal, NGOs) and scientific institutes such as the Dutch Technical Universities of Eindhoven and Delft. PTA puts forward innovative proposals and strategies that support the ambitions of the island of Texel to strengthen the self-reliance of people and communities.
The Architectural Department (AUDE) from the Technical University Eindhoven is participating in the PTA with a graduation studio of 19 students working on innovative ideas for a self-sufficient and sustainable Texel. Focus of the TUe studio is the metabolism of Texel in relation to innovation; hereby the metabolism of the island is researched, and innovative new urban & architectural ideas for De Koog, as well as the island as a whole, are developed simultaneously.
Goal is not only to strengthen the ambition of Texel to become a self-sufficient and sustainable island, but also to be the experimental garden where innovation and research play a key role.
Bernard Colenbrander, Juliette Bekkering and Barbara Kuit are leading the studio.
read more
Making Architecture: Esprit and Bloemershof investigated at TUE
May 6th
In the week of the 11th of May, there will be an exhibition at the TU Eindhoven about a research project called ''Making Architecture'', where Bekkering Adams was one of the researched offices. Especially for this occassion 1:1 models were made of the designs of the investigated buildings: Headoffice Esprit, Amstelveen and Scenic Ensemble Bloemershof, Rheden. A finished book of the work will be presented. The exhibition takes place on Plaza of Vertigo, faculty of architecture, TU Eindhoven. -
Pecha Kucha at Planet Texel: presentation TU-Eindhoven students
April 21st
Tonight, Tuesday the 21st of April, the first results of the Planet Texel Academy will be presented at a public presentation, to the municipality and people of Texel. Prof. Juliette Bekkering will give a short introduction of the studio, followed by Pecha Kucha presentations of the students' innovative project proposals for Texel.
The Texel Metabolised Graduation studio follows from the IABR-Projectatelier Texel initiated by Dirk Sijmons, with LA4sale and FARO architecten. The Planet Texel Academy (PTA), is an interdisciplinary platform for research, experimentation, knowledge and design, where exchange is made between disciplines.
Focus of the TUe studio is the metabolism of Texel in relation to innovation; whereby the metabolism of the island is researched, and innovative new urban & architectural ideas for De Koog, as well as the island as a whole, are developed simultaneously. Goal is to strengthen the ambition of Texel to become a self-sufficient and sustainable island.
The studio is being led by Bernard Colenbrander, Juliette Bekkering and Barbara Kuit
read more
Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering about Women in Architecture
April 16th
Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering featured in an article about the role of women in architecture, requested by World-architects.com.
''We strive for a construction business that is more equal in the gender of all participants- the less it is about gender, the more it will be about content, expertise and knowledge. That is our reason to take our role model as women architects serious.''
Update: Prefabrication Sculptural Columns
April 13th
Last Thursday we visited the Belgium Concrete Factory PRETON. This factory will produce thirteen large prefabricated sculptural columns which play a very important role in the appearance of our four buildings, what can be seen on the visualisation of the project.The prefabrication of the first sculptural column, with a rough size of almost four by four meters, will already be finished in less then two months from now. We will keep you updated!
Update School Campus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
read more
31nd of March at 7pm, Juliette Bekkering lecturing in Moscow at MARCH.
April 7th
Last Tuesday Juliette Bekkering gave a lecture at the Moscow School of Architecture (MARCH). The lecture was titled: 'Designing Synergy: recent projects of Bekkering Adams' and elaborated on the latest and current projects of the office. See below for some pictures.
March 23rd
On the 31nd of March, Juliette Bekkering will give a lecture in Moscow at 7 PM at theMoscow Architectural School MARCH. The lecture titled: 'Designing Synergy: recent projects of Bekkering Adams' will elaborate on the latest and current projects of the office.read more
Update Schoolcampus Peer
March 10th
Last week during the weekly round at the School Campus Peer, the site was visited by students of the Thomas More College. This visit of the construction site is part of a studyproject in their curriculum. One of the following weeks they will also take part in the the weekly site meeting.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Bekkering Adams architects part of PLDC Professional Lighting Design Convention
March 2nd
The Fundamentals Form:ContraForm project by Bekkering Adams architects designed for the Architecture Biennale Venice 2014 will be presented at the 5th Professional Lighting Design Convention in Rome in October 2015.
In 2014 Bekkering Adams architects took part in the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia. For this occasion an installation was developed. The installation reflects on the concept and perception of space, time and existence. Part of the installation are light projections designed by BeersNielsen Light Designers. A reportage of this project is selected by PLDC for presentation during the convention in October 2014 in Rome.
Watch Fundamentals:Form-ContraForm as it was exhibited at Palazzo Mora
Photos by Jeroen Musch
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Fire Station Doetinchem featured in BOUW Praktijkblad Uitvoerende Bouwsector
February 24th
Fire station Achterhoek West in Doetinchem is featured in BOUW Praktijkblad voor de Uitvoerende Bouwsector. Carla Debets interviewed Monica Adams extensive about the sustainable and engineering quality of the design and the building process.
Click here to download the article
Bekkering Adams architects and Group A selected for Agropolis
16th February
Bekkering Adams architects and GROUP A participated together in an Open Call by Vlaams Bouwmeester, Belgium and were selected to enter the selected competition for Agropolis. The project in the Agropolis area in Kinrooi, Belgium requires an urban plan and contains the design of an Agro-tenant building with visitors building, office area, and an aqua-, incubation- and machine building, positioned in a 40 hectare agricultural business park.
Last November, after the first registration, Bekkering Adams architects and GROUP A were invited to enter the competion and make a proposal. The deadline is in April. The winner will be announched this summer. Click here for more information about this selection by Vlaams Bouwmeester.
Update: Two of four foundations executed
February 15th
The foundations of the Preliminary School and Secondary School of School Campus Peer in Belgium are almost finished and the foundation of the Boarding School is about to start. Although the winter weather wasn't always ideal for building, the execution continued.
The ground floor facades of the four buildings will be executed in flagstone. Bekkering Adams architects, representatives of the Schools and client visited Marbor, the flagstone suplier.
Vector Works BIM camp
February 10th
This week the Vector Works BIM camp takes place, demonstrating essential BIM tools and work methods in Vector Works 2015.
We are proud that our building Headoffice Schuurman Group (© DigiDaan) is used as a brand image for this event.
The NL workshops are held in Rotterdam and Amsterdam and are hosted by Design Express. The Belgium event takes place next month in Antwerp. -
Update: Execution School Campus Peer in Belgium
February 3th
Our project in Peer, Belgium is a School Campus with four buildings: a secondary and preliminary school, a boarding school and a sport complex. The design and build phase started last year after the summer. Simultaneously the construction phase started, which takes place in two phases. Currently the foundation of the Preliminary school is nearly finished and the bicycle storage of the secondary school is being poured. Coming spring the execution of the boarding school and the sports complex will start.
Inaugural lecture Prof. Juliette Bekkering is published
January 8th
November 28th the inaugural lecture by Juliette Bekkering took place at the Technical University of Eindhoven. The speech can be downloaded in Dutch and English. Check the website of the Eindhoven University
click here to download
Public Playground part of Korean documentary about playgrounds in public spaces
January 6th
Last year Bekkering Adams architects hosted a Korean television crew of EBS - Educational Broadcasting System - for a contribution of Public Playground to their reportage Play Projects. For this reportage public playgrounds all over the world are analyzed in the context of research about the value of playgrounds in public spaces.
Click here for the Bekkering Adams architects fragment of the documentary
The design for Public Playground Rotterdam is a pilot project, resulting from a research by Bekkering Adams architects into the potential of public playgrounds for the public domain.
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Bekkering Adams architects is looking for a PR and communication trainee
December 19th
To support the design proces and to communicate with the professional field of architecture, Bekkering Adams architects has a vacancy for a Dutch speaking PR and communication trainee.
Click here do download the complete vacancy
Construction School Campus Peer in Belgium is progressing steadily
December 15th
The construction of School Campus Peer is on schedule. 139 Piles are drilled and the first concrete floors are poured. The campus will be build in two phases, with the secondary and elementary school starting first. The construction of the boarding school and sports complex will begin in spring 2015. The construction is registrated by four live webcams.
For more information and images of the webcam on the site check: Scholen van Morgen
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Friday November 28th: Inaugural speech prof.ir. Juliette Bekkering
November 7th
Since January 1st 2013 Juliette Bekkering is appointed as full chair Professor Architectural Design and Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Eindhoven - TU/e. Friday November 28th she will deliver her inaugural speech. Download invitation
Date: November 28th 2014 - Location: TU/e campus, Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium download directions
Fire Station Doetinchem wins in two categories for the APA - Architectuur Prijs Achterhoek 2014
November 7th
Bekkering Adams architects design for the Fire Station Doetinchem has won in both categories of the 'APA - Architectuur Prijs Achterhoek 2014': The jury award and the audience award. At the entertaining ceremony in the evening of 7th November 2014 it was announced that the Fire Station won both categories. We are more then proud! The ceremony was held in the DRU Cultuurfabriek - Hutteweg 24 in Ulft.
Watch nomination interview Download special issue Achterhoek Magazine
The APA is awarded every year to a project in the Achterhoek region. The jury members are: Emmie Vos, Paul Toornend, Gus Tielens, Jan Willem van de Groep, Geert Jan Jonkhout, Harry Harsema and Fons Catau.
Click here for the jury report
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Form-ContraForm part of Microwave New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong
November 7th
The movie and study model of the installation FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm by Bekkering Adams architects is exhibited at the Microwave International New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong 2014. Theme of this years' 18th edition of the festival is 'Living Architecture'. Revolving around city, technnology and life, Microwave has invited multiple world known artists and scholars. The programme comprises a series of exhibitions, artist talks, film screenings, and workshops. Download press release
Grand opening Fiday November 7th - Exhibition Hall - Low Block - Hong Kong City Hall
The festival runs until December 7th 2014
Other exhibitors: Philip Beesley (Canada), Charlie Behrens (UK), Huy Bui & Charlos Gomez de Liarena (US), Caroline Delieutraz (France), Lukasz Karluk (Australia/Poland), Karina Smigia-Bobinski (Germany/Poland), Mathias Woo (Hong Kong), Einar Öberg (Sweden) & System Design Studio: Helbert Suárez Ferreira (Colombia) with Remi Melander (Norway).
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Bekkering Adams architects part of two calenders
November 6th
Two projects by Bekkering Adams architects are part of two 2015 calenders. Ensemble Bloemershof on the Archipendium 2015 calender and the Form-ContraForm installation for the Architecture Biennale in Venice on the Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender 2015.
Start build of School Campus Peer in Belgium
October 3th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits and the Mayor of Peer Steven Matheï, performed the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the building activities of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects.
For more information see under 'read more'. Also check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
photo in the middle: Steven Matheï - Mayor of Peer, Lisette Loos - Director Agnetendal, Daniël Geerts - General Manager DBFM Scholen van Morgen, Hilde Crevits - Flemish Minister of Education, Philippe Monserez - Project Manager Build Scholen van Morgen, Denise Tops - Deputy Director Agnetendal, Rik Schepers - Chairman Building Committee
All speakers emphasised the value of the new campus; for the schools as well as for the whole population of Peer. As explained by Mayor Steven Matheï great effort was put in the co-operation between the schools and the local authorities. As a result the future campus can be used by the schools as well as by the local community. It will accommodate a sports complex, outdoor sports fields and a central green area open to the public. Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits performed the ceremonial start of the building activities by putting down the first stone.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions. The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Visit Bekkering Adams architects at la Biennale Architettura Venezia 2014
September 30th
Bekkering Adams architects is represented at the Architecture Biennale in Venice with the installation FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm. This exhibition puts the definition and perception of space and infinity on center stage. The installation provides an experience that is shaped by the physical boundaries of space, as well as it is extended beyond the tangible.
This installation is part of exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE, created by the Global Art Affairs Foundation and financial supported by the Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie. The design is developed with BeersNielsen Light Designers and structural engineers ABT.
Visuals on Vimeo: Juliette Bekkering and Monica Adams talk about FUNDAMENTALS: Form-ContraForm
Visuals on You-tube: Showing the making of the installation in Venice
The exhibition runs until November 23th - Palazzo Mora - Strade Nova 3659 - Canaregio - Venice - Open daily 10 - 18 hrs - closed on Tuesdays - FREE ENTRY
This installation is part of exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE, created by the Global Art Affairs Foundation and financial supported by the Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie. The design is developed with BeersNielsen Light Designers and structural engineers ABT.
photo by Nils Koenning
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Ceremonial start of construction School Campus Peer
September 29th
Tuesday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits, together with the client, will perform the ceremonial handling to celibrate the start of the build of School Campus Peer in Belgium, designed by Bekkering Adams architects. For more information check the clients' website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscaped urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park. When finished it will be a green campus for the students and a green heart for the residents of the city of Peer.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions.
The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
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Kick off 'Planet Texel Academy' - graduation studio TU Eindhoven
September 29th
This week the graduation studio 'Texel Metabolised' part of "Planet Texel Academy" started of their research for a selfsufficient and autarkic Texel. This TU Eindhoven graduation studio is being led by Juliette Bekkering, Bernard Colenbrander and Barbara Kuit. During the upcoming year the nineteen students of the studio will do research and make architectonical proposals for autarkic selfsufficient Texel.
The ‘Planet Texel Academy’ is a spin off of the IABR–Projectatelier and an initiative of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft. Groups of students work under guidance of professors and experts on proposals based on the results of the IABR-Projectatelier. The Texel areas De Koog and Nieuweschild will be the first subjects.
Fire Station selected for the 'APA - Architectuur Prijs Achterhoek 2014'
September 22nd
Bekkering Adams architects design for the Fire Station Doetinchem is one of the three nominated projects for the 'APA - Architectuur Prijs Achterhoek 2014'.
The APA is awarded every year to a project in the Achterhoek region. The jury members are: Emmie Vos, Paul Toornend, Gus Tielens, Jan Willem van de Groep, Geert Jan Jonkhout, Harry Harsema and Fons Catau.
There is also a price to be awarded by the general public:
soon everyone can vote for this award on the website of 'De Gelderlander'.
Winners of both awards will be announced Friday November 7th at the DRU Cultuurfabriek - Hutteweg 24 in Ulft.
Part of the being nominated is being interviewed at location, new pictures and a movie are made.
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Summer school Cagliari 'Cultural Landscapes'
September 13th
On the 13th of september the end results of the workshop of the summer school Cagliari 'Cultural Landscapes' were successfully presented in a big exhibition to an international jury and representatives of the city of Cagliari. The jury included Nicola Di Battista, Hans Kolhoff, Juliette Bekkering and Enrica Puggioni, counselor of the city of Cagliari. The evening was concluded with a lecture by Joseph Rykwert and a presentation of Domus magazine.
Juliette Bekkering lectures in Cagliari, Sardinia on 11 september 2014
September 11th
As part of the third International Summer School of Architecture “Sardinia, The territory of places” Juliette Bekkering will give a lecture in Cagliari, Sardinia. Juliette speaks at the invitation of the Dutch Embassy in Rome. She will reflect on the theme of this year's edition, entitled "CULTURAL LANDSCAPES, Projects for an European Capital of Culture 2019".
The Summer school adresses related topics to Cagliari’s candidature for the “European Capital of Culture” 2019, and the opportunity tp transform the remoteness of Sardinia into a strength and relocate the richness of its "local" landscape in a "global" perspective.
Contract for realization School Campus Peer is signed
September 8th
End of August our client signed the final contract for the realization of the project School Campus Peer in Belgium, check website Scholen van Morgen-Agnetendal. This meant the official command for contractor Strabag who started the first of September on the site. Thursday the 30th of September the Flemish Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits, will lead the ceremonial start of the build in Peer, Belgium.
The School Campus in Peer is part of the Belgium 'Schools of Tomorrow', a major operation upgrading and renewing over 200 schools. Bekkering Adams architects was the first Dutch architecture office who won one of its enclosed competitions.
The competition was won together with advisors Bureau Bouwtechniek - general/technical support, ABT for construction and Ingenium for installation advise. The landscape design was executed in co-operation with Bureau B+B stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur.
School Campus Peer contains a Secondary school, an Elementary school, a boarding school and sportscomplex designed as a landscape urban ensemble with sportsfields, playgrounds and a large public park.
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Fire Station Doetinchem published on BauNetz
Bekkering Adams architects is proud of the international interest in Fire Station Doetichem, which is published today on BauNetz.
Other international websites publishing this project: ArchDaily EuropaConcorsi WorldArchitects ArchiLovers
Juliette Bekkering interviewed by lifestyle magazine ZIN
July 1st
The July issue of lifestyle magazine ZIN includes an elaborated interview with Juliette Bekkering. The article is part of a series of interviews with inspiring people from the Dutch art and culture scene. In the interview Bekkering talks about her background and perspective on her work as an architect.
ZIN July summer issue, interview by Minou op den Velden, photo by Brenda van Leeuwen
Vernissage FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm at the Architecture Biennale of Venice, curated by Rem Koolhaas
June 6th
The first two openings of the exhibitions in which Bekkering Adams architects take part at the Architecture Biennale in Venice were a great succes. Please, feel welcome at the two opening party's tonight Friday 6th of June.
Palazzo Mora - Strada Nova 3659 - Cannaregio - Venice - download map
MORPHOS Sustainable Empires
Palazzo Albrizzi - Cannaregio 4118 - Venice - download map
Read more about the exhibited installation FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
Watch Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering talk about FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
5th & 6th of June - Grand opening FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
June 4th
Join us at the opening of FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm, One of the two exhibitions of the Architecture Biennale Venice, curated by Rem Koolhaas, in which Bekkering Adams architects takes part.
June 5th & June 6th - 18.00 hrs - 22.00 hrs, please feel welcome.
The exhibition runs from June 6th until Nov 23th - open daily 10.00 - 18.00 hrs - FREE ENTRY
5th June: Opening party second exhitbition Bekkering Adams architects at the Architecture Biennale Venice
June 3th
The press conference and preview of the second exhibiton in which Bekkering Adams architects takes part - MORPHOS Sustainable Empires - will be on Thursday 5th of June at 17.00 hrs. The opening of the event will be on Friday 6th of June at 18.00 hrs.
Please, feel welcome at both events. download entry ticket
MORPHOS Sustainable Empires - Palazzo Albrizzi - Cannaregio 4118 - Venice - download map
other participants: MVRDV - LETH & GORI - Allmann Sattler Wappner - ross barney architects - ADEPT - Derek Mark Pirozzi - Massimo Guidotti - Francesco Verna - KGA Architecture Pty Ltd. - RALPH BRILL ASSOCIATES - Exquisitie Corpse - CORFONE+PARTNERS - Ersi Krouska - Ilario Bontempo - Johannes Knoops - Mar Garrido - Shaun Wilson - Felix Leffrank - Javier Bassi - Pauline Thomas - Nat Wilms - Ya-Wn Fu
5th & 6th of June - Grand opening FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
May 31st
Please, feel welcome at the opening of the FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm exhibiton by Bekkering Adams architects at the Biennale of Venice. Click here for Palazzo Mora on Google Maps
Read more about the exhibited installation FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
Watch Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering talk about FUNDAMENTALS:Form-ContraForm
Architecture Biennale Venice: Building the installation for real
May 30th
This week the Bekkering Adams architects team arrived at Palazzo Mora in Venice to build the installation out of 14.000 balls and 4,5 km of wire.
Bekkering Adams is part of the exhibition MORPHOS Sustainable Empires in Palazzo Albrizzi, and therefore featured in two exhibitions at the Biennale di Venezia!
May 29th
Nearly two weeks before the opening of la Biennale di Venezia Bekkering Adams architects was invited to join a second exhibition at the Biennale: MORPHOS Sustainable Empires. An international event of architecture, photography, video art, installation and performing art, held in Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice. The exhibition is a collaboration of It's LIQUID Group and International ArtExpo.
The main concepts of MORPHOS Sustainable Empires are the unifying power of sustainable architecture and the relationship between man and the city. Within this concept the curator Arch. Luca Curci selected Bekkering Adams architects to take part in the exhibition. Two projects will be shown: Ensemble Bloemershof and Booster Pump Station.
The exhibition runs from June 6th until June 13th - open daily 10.00 - 19.00 hrs - FREE ENTRY
Press conference & preview: June 5th 5.00 hrs - Opening: June 6th 10.00 hrs, opening party starts at 17.00 hrs
Palazzo Albrizzi
Cannaregio 4118
30121 Venice, Italy
Biennale - Fundamentals: Form-ContraForm- taking shape
May 2nd
The installation for the Biennale - Form ContraForm - is gradually taking shape. 14.000 white balls arrived yesterday on Rotterdam airport, shipped to us from China. The steel construction - designed to hold the installation without disturbing the original structure of the Palazzo Mora- is still under construction, but also reaching it's final form. Now we focus on the next step of sewing the balls perectly from within the middle, and solving the transport issue of how to get 14.000 stiched balls to Venice untangled and undamaged.... Solutions are welcome!
The exhibition runs from June 6th until Nov 23th - open daily 10.00 - 18.00 hrs - FREE ENTRY
Press preview: June 5th & June 6th - 18.00 hrs - 22.00 hrs
Palazzo Mora
Strada Nuova 3659, Cannaregio area
30121 Venice, Italy
Hotel Rotterdam - Wake up in it!
April 22th
Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering are hosts in "Wake up in Architecture".
"Hotel Rotterdam, Wake up in it!" is an initiative of Wibbine Kien and Judith van den Berg which promises an adventure and offers a personal match between architect and visitor.Hotel Rotterdam is not a Hotel. Hotel Rotterdam connects to the cultural city-event: IABR: the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. Overnight stays in the homes or studios of architects who work in the same subject as this event are offered exclusively for guests of the Biennale. Extra adventurous is the fact that the exact address and architect will only be revealed after registration as a guest. This surprise element is an essential part of Wake up in It.
More information Hotel Rotterdam
Visit our latest project Fire Station Doetinchem at Open Day April 5th
1 April 2014
Saturday, April 5th, Bekkering Adams architects latest project Fire Station Doetinchem can be visited during the Open Day organized by Fire Brigade Achterhoek West.
The fire station is designed as a villa, integrated in the landscape. It is a green oasis situated along side the major thoroughfare in Doetinchem. The horizontally oriented building is surrounded by majestic trees and has a clear, crisp lines and surfaces.
Everyone is welcome to visit the 24 hours operational station, a building wich houses a mix of functions for living, working and sleeping facilities. It has an A+ energy label and is situated next to an important route for bats. Functionallity, sustainability and environmental integration have been the leading design themes during the proces.
The Open Day takes place from 10.00 hours until 16.00 hours - Stokhorstweg 1 Doetinchem
Fire Station Doetinchem officially opened
March 21st
The festive opening of the Fire Station Doetinchem at Friday March 21st was celebrated with speeches of the mayor of Doetinchem mr. Joosten, chief-commander mrs. Harriet Tomassen and Monica Adams.
After the the mayor finished the ceremonial cutting of a rod, visitors could visit the building. The Fire brigade looks back on a very successful day! -
Bekkering Adams architecten part of la Biennale di Venezia 2014
March 13th
Bekkering Adams architects will be part of la Biennale di Venezia 2014. The office is invited by Global Art Affairs Foundation, a Dutch non-profit organization that aims to heighten the awareness about the more philosophical themes in contemporary art, to join in on their exhibition in Palazzo Mora. This exhibition is officially part of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2014, curated by Rem Koolhaas.
In the coming period Bekkering Adams architects will further develop the exhibition proposal, collaborating with light designers BeersNielsen and structural engineers ABT. The design is supported by the Grant Programme Internationalization of the Stimulerings Fonds Creatieve Industrie.
Juliette Bekkering chairman Victor de Stuersprijs 2014
January 20th
The Victor de Stuersprijs is the offcial architecture award of the city of Maastricht. This award is for an architect, client or institution that has contributed to the cultural heritage or architectural or urban quality of the city of Maastricht. In 1987 the award was invented by the municipality of Maastricht. This year jury members are Fred Humblé, Rene Coenegracht and Juliette Bekkering, who will also chair the jury.
Fred Humblé is the last years winner of the award with the design for Lydwinahuis by Humblé Martens / architecture & urban design. Rene Coenegracht, architect and co founder of Vandehoek Coenegracht + Kromwijk and member of the Welstands-/Monumentencomissie 2005-2011.
The winner will be announced on the 20th of june. -
Public Playground filmed for Korean Television
January 21st
In June 2013 Bekkering Adams architecten hosted the Korean television crew of EBS for a contribution to their reportage ' 2013 Play Projects ' about the value of playgrounds in public spaces in Europe. Head of the primary school 'Mullerpier', Hanny van der Heide and Monica Adams were interviewed about play in general and the design of Public Playground in particular. The childeren of the school were the main focus, filming their play and movements around the square.
The reportage is finished, the Bekkering Adams architecten fragment will be shown on the website soon.
Fire trucks moved in array to Fire Station Doetinchem
December 23th
With great interest from the local residents - and the design team of Bekkering Adams of course - all fire trucks of the municipality of Doetinchem moved to the new fire station. The final completion of Fire Station Doetinchem is heading fast forward. From Januari 1st it will open its doors for the public on its new adress: Stokhorstweg 1, Doetinchem.
Completion Fire Station Doetinchem approaching
December 17th
The completion of the Fire Station in Doetinchem is approaching fast, and Bekkering Adams architecten is proud to give a preview with the following photo's. Note a very proud Monica Adams and Juliette Bekkering together with the fire commander in chief Harriet Tomassen!
Tonight the results of Europan Europe 12 will be presented
December 13th
The jury of Europan Europe 12, in which Juliette Bekkering takes part, will present the results of the 12th Europan competition in the Netherlands. The award ceremony starts at 1400hrs and will take place at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25 Rotterdam.
Jury: Juliette Bekkering - architect Bekkering Adams architecten and professor TU Eindhoven, Marc-Jan Ahne - mayor municipality of Ommen, Jean-Jacques Terrin (FR) - architect and urban planner, professor, Sarah Reichwein (DE) - architect and urban planner, Patrick van der Klooster - director Architectuurcentrum Rotterdam AIR, Josja van der Veer, director FCO of the VU University Amsterdam, Julian Lewis (UK) architect East architecture, landscape, urban design, Ton Schaap - urban planner of the municipality of Amsterdam & Harry Abels - architect IAA architecten
foto: Theo Bos
In total 165 teams registered for one of the Dutch Europan 12 sites and 132 of them actually submitted an entry. Sites were located in Assen, Groningen and Schiedam. The adjudication took place in two stages. During the first stage, a part of the jury selected together with representatives of the sites a total of 23 plans from the 132 entries. These were discussed during the international 'Forum of Cities and Juries' in Paris, after which the jury selected two winners, four runners-up and one special mention.
Click here for the jury's report
Assen winner - Building on the Present - Egbert de Warle & Marcus Kempers
Groningen winner - Prelude - Elizabeth Keller & Remco Rolvink
Schiedam runner-up - A New Start with Old Genes - Joost van Rooijen, Maarten Thewissen & Redmer Weijer
Schiedam runner-up - Complete Schiedam - Matteo Bettoni, Michiel van Driessche, Bart Pouw & Milena Zaklanovic
Assen special mention - Waste?land - Vicente Molina Dominguez
Design Esprit Headoffice price-winner in Amstelveense architectuurprijs 2013
November 20th
For the Amstelveense architectuurprijs 2013 Bekkering Adams architecten were price winning in two panels: One award based on the votes on the website dichtbij.nl, and one awarded by a jury of professionals, chaired by Indira van 't Klooster - Architectuur Lokaal & A10. The evening was presented by Indira van 't Klooster and elderman Mr Levie of the Municipality Amstelveen.
photographer: Lioba Schneider
The Esprit Headoffice design ended in the top for both awards. Second place for the jury award and third place for the audience award.
From the jury report:
'The design of the building is convincing, projecting a robust and self-confident pavilion on the site. (...) Also the tension and authenticity of the design is further implemented and realized in the interior. The detailing and application of materials are consistent with the design and are carefully executed.'
'Striking and pleasant is the fact that the building is completely free of the often disturbing fences, gates and parking. The parking is effective solved under the building.'
It was the first time the Amstelveense architectuurprijs was awarded. The municipality means to make this an annual event, in order to stimulate good quality in architecture, the public domain and the build environment.
Interview Public Playground published
October 29th
This month Stedenbouw & Architectuur magazine published the interview with Monica Adams about Public Playground; the research Bekkering Adams Architects performed about the importance of public (play) squares and school yards.
Author of the interview is Peter Bekkering. Theme of Stedenbouw & Architectuur no 6 October 2013, year 30 is school buildings and it's playgrounds. Other articles reseach theme's such as Education and Sustainability by Liag Architects, Revitalisation of old school buildings by ARCONICO Architects and innovative financing Child care centers.
Download Public Playground research
Design Esprit Headoffice on shortlist Amstelveense architectuurprijs
October 28th
On the initiative of the municipality of Amstelveen an award for architecture is created, the Amstelveense Architectuurprijs 2013. Bekkering Adams architects design for Esprit Benelux Headoffice is nominated.
So far Bekkering Adams architecten is on the short list - thanks for all the votes. Next week the winner will be announced.
read more about the Amstelveense Architectuurprijs 2013 on dichtbij.nl and Architectuur Lokaal
Kick off Seminar Concrete Design Competition hosted by Juliette Bekkering
October 24th 2013 - 19.30 - 22.00 hrs - Eindhoven
The 6th Concrete Design Competition will be kicked off with a seminar in collaboration with Eindhoven University of technology. The International Concrete Design Competition for Students is a biennial ideas and design competition for students in architecture, engineering, design and affiliated disciplines. It is organized and funded by a consortium of European cement and concrete associations and open for students registered in an educational institute in one of the participating countries.
Lecturers of this Seminar are Bjarne Mastenbroek, founder of SeArch Achitecture and Planning and Andreas Bründler, founder of Buchner Bründler Architekten, this years winner of the prestigious Swiss Architekturpreis Beton.
Prof.ir. Juliette Bekkering and ir. Jan Schevens - TU/e Archituctural Design and Engineering - will host the seminar.
Date: 24 October 2013
Time: 19.30 - 22.00 hrs
Location: Grand cafe de Zwarte Doos, Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven
Monica Adams interviewed for Stedenbouw & Architectuur
September 25th
Magazine Stedenbouw & Architectuur will publish an interview with Monica Adams about the research Bekkering Adams architecten did in 2008 about the importance of public playgrounds. This research resulted in a design for the Public Playground Mullerpier and has been previously published in Lay Out Magazine, and in several international books about Play grouns and the Art of Playing.
Esprit Benelux Headoffice nominated for Amstelveense Architectuurprijs
September 23th
On the initiative of the municipality of Amstelveen an award for architecture is created: the Amstelveense Architectuurprijs 2013. Bekkering Adams architects design for Esprit Benelux Headoffice is nominated.
All nominated designs are located in the regio Amstelveen and build after 2009. A distinction is made in housing and other buildings, such as offices and schools. An independent jury, chaired by Indira van 't Klooster - Architectuur Lokaal - made a shortlis wich will be presented in the Amstelveens Nieuwsblad and the website dichtbij.nl. It's up to the public to vote for the best design.
Everyone can vote between October 21 and 25 by sending an email to architectuurprijs@amstelveen.nl
Kick off new project
August 20th
After the summer-stop we kicked off with a new challenging project commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat - Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Together with Feddes Olthof Landschapsarchitecten we will develop a spatial coherent concept for the landscape and architectural guidelines for the highway A13 / A16, the new highway north of Rotterdam. The large variantion in landscape of the area brings a variation in use and thereby a large scale of ambitions and oppurtunities. We see opportunities to develop a sustainable and green highway, with new recreational facilities for the adjecent neighborhoods.
Read more about Rijkswaterstaat
Public Playground filmed for Korean television
June 21st
Friday the 21th of June Bekkering Adams architecten hosted the Korean television crew of EBS for a contribution to their reportage about the value of playgrounds in public spaces and the design for Public Playground. Head of the primary school 'Mullerpier', Hanny van der Heide, and Monica Adams were interviewed. As well as the childeren of the school. Thanks to one of the local residents the film crew was able to shoot some overviews from their balcony on the 7th floor.
Filmed material will be shown on the website in November. -
Design Phase of School Campus Peer completed
27 june 2013
The design for the School Campus Peer in Belgium, consisting of an elementary school, a high school, a boarding housel and sports complex, is completed to the satisfaction of the client and other interested parties. This month the final design is agreed to and we have started with the next phase in which the building permit will be obtained.
The project is part of 'Scholen van Morgen' – ‘ Schools of Tomorrow’ ; a big operation in the region of Flanders to catch up with the modernization of more then 200 currently out-dated school buildings.
Under the name 'Scholen van Morgen' – ‘ Schools of Tomorrow’ Flanders is currently experiencing a large catch up in the field of housing of its schools. It is operating from a DBFM – Design Build Finance Maintain approach, and is an iniative to considerably improve the housing of more than 200 schools . In March of this year the first foundation stone has been established.
In 2011 Bekkering Adams Architects was one of the first Dutch architecture offices who won a contest organized by Scholen van Morgen for the total design of four buildings together with the surrounding outdoor area. The various buildings with different functions and types of users have their own character. Special care and attention goes to the outdoor area which has been created in co-operation with the Office for Landscape Design B+B in Amsterdam. The park offers room for play and outdoor activities such as basketball, volleyball and football. Thus a central green area is created that is for the schoolchildren as well as for the citizens of Peer. The design team exists of Ingenium for Installation advice, ABT for structural engineering and Bureau voor landschap en Stedebouw B+B for Landscape design. Bureau Boutechniek assists with technical and legislation advice and cost-calculation. Construction is expected to start in 2014.
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Archilecture in Eindhoven by Juliette Bekkering, 26 June 2013
19 June 2013
Wednesday June 26th Juliette Bekkering will deliver the last lecture of the series Archilectures before the summerbreak. The lectures are organised by The Architecture Centre of Eindhoven, together with Casa Vertigo of the TU/e. Juliette Bekkering will close the series which started last September with Adriaan Geuze (West 8) and Thomas Rau (RAU). After the Archilectures the nominees for the Dirk Roosenburg Award will be announced. The lecture will take place 26 June 2013. Time is from 16 hrs to 17 hrs. The location is at Bar Zwarte Doos, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven. The entrance is free.
See also:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Highest point for Fire Station Doetinchem
10 June 2013
This month the Fire Station in Doetinchem will reach it's highest point. On the construction site the contours of the builing are rapidly growing and the top floor is a fact. Meanwhile the design team is finalizing the last finishing touch to the materialisations, patterns and other design issues of the interior.
For more pictures see also this link. -
Public Playground will be featured on Korean television
7 June 2013
Public Playground, the innovative playground for the preliminary school "Locatie Mullerpier " in Rotterdam, will be featured on Korean educational television (EBS TV). Friday 21th of June the crew will film the square and have various interviews. The design of the Public Playground is based on the research of the office into the potential of playgrounds for the public domain. It has been international been widely published in books and magazines. We are proud and happy to welcome the Korean televisioncrew.
To download a summary of the research report in Lay-Out 05, click here
Juliette Bekkering part of jury Europan Europe 12
2 May 2013
Theme of Europan 12, the European wide competition for young architects, is The Adaptable City. In this context adaptabillity is the qualitiy of a space that can be easily modified in harmony with the changes to which its use is subject or may be subject.
Europe's cities are engaged in a radiacal transformation: they need urgently to reduce their ecological footprint to help resolve the energy crisis, combat the greenhouse effect and preserve nonrenewable resources.
Juliette Bekkering will be part of the Europan jury. As a member of the national jury Juliette Bekkering will select projects for the Dutch shortlist, and join the Forum of Cities and Juries in Paris for the final selection of winning projects.
Friday 13th of December the results of Europan Europe 12 will be announced.see also:
Doetinchem steadily ahead
26 April 2013
The concrete panels of Doetinchem have been placed, looking good!
If you like to see at what stage the building activities are right now, check out this link.
Official start of the construction Fire station Doetinchem
22 February 2013
On 22 february the official ceremony of the start construction of the Fire Station took place.The start of the construction phase was festively inaugurated by burying a time capsule and the unveiling of the building board. These acts were performed by Chief Commander Harriet Tomassen and Councilor Peter Drenth. The building is scheduled to be finished by December this year.
See also website Brandweer Noord- en Oost-Gelderland and article De Gelderse Post. -
Pavilion Oss presented to Cie Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit
20 November 2012
At the meeting of the Committee Spatial Quality in Oss the plans for the rejuvination of the center of Oss were presented. Besides the pavilion of Bekkering Adams architecten this comprises of appartments and retail by Diederendirrix, and a new elevation for the V&D retail block by Vocus architecten . The Masterplan and supervision of the project is by Crepain Binst. The committee was positive about the developments. The municipality will decide before the end of this year if they continue with the revised plans.
Juliette Bekkering appointed Professor Architectural Design and Engineering
13 November 2012
We are proud to announce that Juliette Bekkering is appointed as full chair Professor Architectural Design and Engineering (ADE) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Eindhoven (TU / e) , starting on January 1, 2013. As Professor ADE she will lead the department, and give shape to the education and research provided by ADE. See also the press-releases at TU Eindhoven , de architect , architectenweb , architectuur.org
Fire station of Doetinchem presented to the MunicipalityÂ
16 October 2012
The design for the Fire station in Doetinchem has been presented to the municipality. In a few years the fire trucks will not derive from the C. Misset Street in Doetinchem anymore but from the corner of the Stokhorstweg en de Europaweg. The current Fire station, as well as the neighboring Police station, will make way for a new living area, the district Iseldoks. See also the article in 'De Gelderlander": http://www.gelderlander.nl/voorpagina/achterhoek/11871100/Nieuwe-brandweerkazerne-Doetinchem-bijna-open.ece
Preliminary design of School Campus in Peer Belgium finished
21 September 2012
The preliminary design of all buildings- Secondary school, preliminary school and day care, boarding school and sport complex, has been completed. We are now awaiting the final go-ahead for the next phase.
Bekkering Adams wins enclosed Competition for School Campus in Peer Belgium
12 December 2011
We are very proud with the winning of the competition for the SCHOOL CAMPUS in the City of PEER in BELGIUM
The project, with a size of approximately 18,000 m2, involves the construction of a secondary school, an elementary school, a sports complex and a boarding school. The campus is situated on an area of approximately 5.5 acres in the immediate vicinity of the center of Peer. It is intended that the green central area is open to the public and the campus will be of benefit to the town of Peer. The jury praises the concept vision deposited by Bekkering Adams architects. The project is designed as a landscaped urban ensemble, with the sports fields, playgrounds and a large public park as an integral part of the campus design. The set up of the various buildings, indoor playgrounds, outdoor spaces ensures a diverse play and learning landscape, where a range of activities possible. The landscape design was made in co-operation with landscape designers Bureau B B. The jury is also enthusiastic about the design of the buildings, which are flexible in design, with common areas for meetings, learning centers and various forms of education. The special rooms in the buildings are designed as expressive accents, and anchor the building to the surrounding environment. An important component is the clear zoning of the buildings, through which multiple use is possible and the campus will be alive during the day as well as in the evening. Through this the campus is anchored in the social and spatial structure of Peer.The competition is part of the procurement process "Schools of Tomorrow".
For this competition Bekkering Adams architects worked with a Flemish / Dutch team of advisors: Bureau Bouwtechniek from Antwerp, ABT Antwerp, Ingenium from Bruges, Daidalos / Peutz from Louvain and the Office for landscaping B B in Amsterdam for the design of the public space.The client of the project is the overall organization of "Schools of Tomorrow", in cooperation with the city of Peer. The planning of the project is vigorously, with the start of the first studies in 2012 and the expected delivery of the first buildings in 2015.
read more
Lecture Juliette Bekkering in Alkmaar tonight!
7 December 2011
Tonight Juliette Bekkering will give a lecture at the Architecture Information Centre Alkmaar with the title: "The buildings identity and their public appearance" Location: Provadja | Verdronkenoord 12, 1811 BE Alkmaar
Zoals de beeldhouwer het standbeeld los hakt uit het monolithisch stuk steen, zoekt de architect, ontwerpend, naar de identiteit van het gebouw, dat nog in de opgave verscholen ligt. Elk ontwerp is een zoektocht naar de identiteit die het gebouw aan moet nemen. Elk gebouw speelt een andere rol in het stedelijk landschap: het ene openbaar en uitnodigend, als zelfverzekerde kloeke gebouwen in het stedelijk landschap met een duidelijke identiteit, het andere juist meer privé , bescheiden en verstilt. Deze zoektocht naar de identiteit van het gebouw en de publieke ruimte is creatief, gelaagd en elke keer anders. In de lezing zal aan de hand van verschillende recentelijk gerealiseerde projecten van het bureau, de zoektocht naar de identiteit van het project geïllustreerd worden. Voor ons is het de uitdaging om gebouwen te ontwerpen met een sterke identiteit, losgehakt uit de ruwe steen. Juliette Bekkering. -
Publication Urban Ensemble Bloemershof and Public playground in PLAY, Indoor & Outdoor from Sandu Publishing Co, China
30 November 2011
Today the office received the hard-copy publication of PLAY-Outdoor & Indoor. The book shows a broad variation of interesting schools and schoolyards all over the world. We are very happy to be in it with two projects: The vocational school 'De Tender' in Dieren, NL, and the Public Playground in Rotterdam, NL. Hopefully it will be in the bookshelves soon, it is an inspiring collection of contemporary and inspiring environments for children!
If you like to purchase the book now, you can order it online via www.amazon.com/Play-Indoor-Outdoor-Sandu-Publishing/dp/1584234369. -
Inauguration Juliette Bekkering Visiting Professor in Prague
29 November 2011
The Inauguration of Juliette Bekkering as Visiting Professor in Prague will take place
on November 29th, 10.30 hr.
Lecture Juliette Bekkering in Alkmaar
24 November 2011
On December 7th from 20.00h-22.00h Juliette Bekkering will give a lecture at the Architecture Information Centre Alkmaar with the title: "The buildings identity and their public appearance" . For more information: www.aia-alkmaar.nl/
Architectenplatform Rotterdam
23 November 2011
Op initiatief van wethouder Hamith Karakus (Wonen, Ruimtelijke Ordening, Vastgoed en Stedelijke Economie / projectwethouder Zuid) hebben AIR, de BNA kring Rijnmond, Generatie 3.0 architecten en dS+V samen het ArchitectenPlatform Rotterdam opgericht. Dit platform komt voort uit de architectuurnota en maakt het mogelijk voor de vakgemeenschap en de gemeente Rotterdam om zaken te bespreken die dagelijks spelen tijdens het maakproces van de stad. Beide partijen hebben behoefte aan een continue wisselwerking over en weer. Het ArchitectenPlatform Rotterdam komt voor de tweede maal dit jaar bijeen. In aanwezigheid van wethouder Hamith Karakus en onder voorzitterschap van Anna Vos vindt nadere gedachtebepaling plaats over het zogenoemde protocol Architectenselectie Rotterdam. Ook het opdrachtgeverschap in de breedste zin van het woord staat geagendeerd.
Lecture Juliette Bekkering in TU Delft
21 November 2011, 12.45h-13.45h.
In November Juliette Bekkering will give a public lecture on "Public Playground" at the Technical University of Delft, Faculty of Architecture. For more information: www.architecture.tudelft.nl/ -
Juliette Bekkering appointed visiting Professor at the Czech Technical University
20 October 2011
Juliette Bekkering has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Czech Technical University,Faculty of Architecture in Prague. See also: www.fa.cvut.cz/Cz
Fire Station Doetinchem progressing steadily
15 September 2011
The design for the Firestation Doetinchem is progressing steadily.
The Definitive Design will be completed in November. -
Bloemershof published on Baunetz
1 September 2011
Bloemershof published on Baunetz
"Energiekonzept mit Photovoltaik, Betonkernkühlung und viel Tageslicht"
The German article concentrates on the Energy concept wit Photovoltaic cells, Concrete core cooling and an abundance of daylight.
Bekkering Adams selected for multiple assignement in Peer, Belgium
1 June 2011
Bekkering Adams selected for the multiple assignment for a campus, with schools, boarding school and sport facilities in the municipality of Peer, Belgium. For this assignment Bekkering Adams composed an experienced team of Belgian advisors to support the office. The competition will be presented in October and the results will be announced in the end of November. -
BLOEMERSHOF published on Architectenweb
5 April 2011
The completion of the Vocational school De Tender has raised a lot of press interest. The project is now also published on Architectenweb
Bekkering Adams to be
4 April 2011
Bekkering Adams Architects is going to be the " Architect of the month" in The Architectural Review: Archiworld. The review will dedicate a 50 page special on recent works of the office. It is expected for publishing in May 2011.
The project Bloemershof is published on e-architect.
30 March 2011
The project is published om e-architect. See the article Scenic ensemble Bloemershof:
A self-evident urban composition with a strong identity. Sustainability and innovation plays a key-role in the project. The first building in the Netherlands using concrete core activation with air. -
Bloemershof published on BAUNETZ
29 March 2011
The project Bloemershof is published on Baunetz. In German the concept is called:": Gefrorener Wald".
Ensemble BLOEMERSHOF operational
23 March 2011
This week the project Bloemershof has become operational. The project consists of three buildings with three different users that together form one ensemble: a vocational school, sport-facilities and a fire station. The ensemble is designed as an enclosed courtyard . In the middle zone a green, open and transparent public space, is formed. A large pergola forms the connecting link with the green landscape of the "Veluwe nature park".
Sustainability: In the project sustainability plays a key-role. The vocational school 'De Tender' is the first building in the Netherlands where "concrete core activation with air" is applied. The interiors are light and transparent and provide optimum functionality to their future users with a joyous hall and recreation area, a variety of class rooms for the vocational school, a large high space with plenty of daylight for the firestation with surprising vistas to the bar area and training rooms. The sport-facility is elaborated as a light spacious place with daylight.
Interview Juliette Bekkering and Monica Adams in De Gelderlander
8 February 2011
The urban complex Bloemershof in Dieren is almost ready for the users to move into their new premises. Today the Fire Brigade and the Vocational school will get their key to the building. Read the interview in the Dutch newspaper De Gelderlander.
We have moved to a new location!
1 February 2011
Alongside our colleagues of architect's practice GroupA, we shall find ourselves in a new, inspiring and challenging work environment in which synergie, creativity and experience will complement each other's talents. From February 1, 2011 we are happy to welcome you at our new address: Pelgrimsstraat 1 3029 BH Rotterdam, NL -
Primary School De Schatkamer published in November issue of De Architect
10 November 2010
The Dutch magazine De Architect publishes De Schatkamer en de Geheime Tuin, as well in print as on their website www.dearchitect.nl. (more about the project)
Esprit moved into their new Benelux Head office
9 October 2010
Esprit has moved into their new Benelux head-office. The project has been designed and realized in a very short-time: from start to finish in 2,5 years. The building comprises of offices and showrooms and is developed by MAB, in close consultation with Esprit. Eye catcher of the building are the specially designed panels with a custom-made pattern referring to the fabrics and textures Esprit is working with. Inside a generous cat-walk stair connects the different floor. The inner-spaces are flood by natural daylight coming from roof lights and big windows around the patio in the heart of the building. The project will be high-lighted in the December issue of Bouwwereld (more about the project)
read more
Bekkering Adams architecten wins European tender Fire station Doetinchem
10 September 2010
Bekkering Adams architecten won the European tender for the new fire station in Doetinchem.Together with Aronsohn (structural engineer) and Royal Haskoning (Installation and building physics consultant) they have been selected as the designteam for the development of the new fire station. Recently, the contract has been signed. Work on the preliminary design has already started, and will be presented to the board at the end of November. The goal for the new building is to design a sustainable and future-orientated fire-station with A label. It is not the first fire station Bekkering Adams architecten has designed. See also Fire station Vlissingen Middelburg (completed in 2005) and the Fire station in Rheden (now under construction).
Bloemershof published in De Gelderlander
20 March 2010
Bloemershof has been published in a two page spread of De Gelderlander titled Bouwplan Volgens Landgoed-concept. The article focuses on the integration of the ensemble in the forresty surroundings and the unique treatment of cooling and ventilation that is being realized in the building.
(more about the project)
New Photos Schuurman by Digidaan
23 March 2010
A new set of pictures has been taken of the Schuurman building in Alkmaar.
The new day and night shots will be shown on the site.
They can also be found on Digidaan.nl.
(more about the project) -
School and child center De Schatkamer opened its doors!
March 4th 2010
Monday 4 March the primary school and child center De Schatkamer has opened. The big central hall immediately proved its function, giving place to all children, parents and teachers listening to the big band. The opening was for the school only. The surroundings of the building are not finished yet due to the cold weather. The official opening will be in autumn. More pictures of the event can be found on the site of the school De Schatkamer.
Click here for more information
Official start construction Bloemershof
2 March 2010
On Tuesday the official ceremony of the start of the construction of the project Bloemershof in Dieren took place. A link to the local news site with photos of the event can be found here. (more about the project)
Primary school and day care centre De Schatkamer interior almost finished
21 January 2010
The interior of the primary school and day-care center in Zwolle is almost completed. The school is planning to move into the building in March this year.
(more about the project)
Bloemershof ensemble - Construction started
4 January 2010
The construction of Bloemershof communal buildings has officially started. The site has been delivered to the contractor and the building board is there. For the rest we have to wait for temperatures above zero........